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Signal misses out if in a rule

Johannes shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

I've been struggeling the last days with a new phenomena.

When I create a rule that should set some wmr-100 units to ON or OFF, when a certain requirements is fullfilled, the signal seems to randomly not reach the units.

I then looked into the window that logs the state and is says that the signal has been broadcasted.

So at first glance it seems the wmr-1000 units has a bad reception. BUT I've tried so many times now to set them ON and OFF via Zipato control center and there has not been a single time where the signal have failed to reach the units and change the state of the units when activated directly from the control center.

Is there any known issues on this subject?

I'm now more or less sure that the problem is elsewhere than just a simple bad reception.

Replies (3)


Try to send the command 3 times with 1,5 sec waiting time. This was the solution for me.


Ok. Have thought about that solution but one of the units goes through a repeater so I was thinking that such a maneuvre would eat a lot of battery.

But I'll think I'll do that anyway.

What is the prefered solution, is it to use: "when criteria X, handling ON, wait 2sec, hanling On" or the repeat funcion?

I'm on my cell now so can't show exacly what I mean with putting up a print screen.

Maybe someone can take a print screen of the prefered rule o use? Would be awesome :)


I tried repeat and send 3 times in one rule. Both is working. As you like.


Would this work?

Files: rule.jpg

Try a little war between each command. Just for testing. If it works fine. Try to remove. Test again. I made a experience, that sending a lot of commands each after the other some get lost.


Ok thx, I will try adding one sec between every two commands and see if that helps.


I've tried everything now. It just won't work. Or it works, but just randomly.

What is the difference between signal going out triggered by rule and signal going out triggered manually from control center or iphone app?

In control center and app it works fine everytime and if triggered by rule it works maybe 3 to 5 times out of 10. I just can't understand why.

I have also re-done all of my rules with waiting time in between so that no more than two signals go out at the same time from zipabox and that did not solve the issue.


Ok. I think I solved it.

The problem seemed to be to many signals thru the repeater at the exactly same time.

Now I have reduced it to just one signal at a time thru the repeater and it seema to work.

So if one want to use a repeater be sure to separate the signals by adding time in between each signal that goes thru the repeater.


Ok. I think I solved it.

The problem seemed to be to many signals thru the repeater at the exactly same time.

Now I have reduced it to just one signal at a time thru the repeater and it seema to work.

So if one want to use a repeater be sure to separate the signals by adding time in between each signal that goes thru the repeater.

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