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Thermostat "Until Next" and "Run Program"

vincenzo esposito shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

I have a question on program mode of thermostats.

"UNTIL NEXT" should hold the temperature setted manually until the next changing of program scheduled switching in "RUN PROGRAM", is it correct?

its seems to me, instead, that from "until next" mode it never return in "Run Program" mode.

can anyone confirm it?

thank you.

Replies (7)


I have the same problem. The last days, it has not returned from UNTIL NEXT in my kitchen. The two other thermostats in my house works just fine.

My kitchen is now well above 24 degrees (my thermostat trigger value is 22,2 with 0,2 deg hysteresis. I have to manually stop the heater.

Might be the fw .35, but I think this issue started just days ago, and I havent touched the thermostat nor the fw for weeks.

Today I upgraded to latest fw. I hope this helps. I am getting logged out of the web manager multiple times today. Maybe this is issue is server related...


There is still a problem when I use UNTIL NEXT or HOLD FOR. I am not 100% sure that this is the cause, but it seems like something strange happens each time I use this.

Today i set HOLD_FOR to hold for about 30 minutes, and after a minute it shut off. Then, after an hour, it started to warm up the kitchen again and went far above the setpoint before it shut off the wallplug to the wallmounted heater...

Anybody else having the same issues?


Yup, following this thread


Yes, I was actually going to open a topic in order to understand the functions and configurations for the thermostat pro, some of the configurations and functions are not very specific and after trying them I'm still unsure of their purpose. I just created my first thermostat and I'm trying to tie it to an electric heater. I will post my questions with pictures here, also I couln't find any useful information on knowledge base and zipato tv.


The problem might not only be related to the zipato but also to the thermostat unit you use. For example I have seen a post recently, where some comet radiator calves are increasing the setpoint temperature automatically by 0.5 degrees - the important this is that the heating setpoint needss to be fully controlled by zipato and heating mode usually needs to be automatic. If you have manual for example, the system will not be able to change the temperature for long therm as the thermostat will kick in and will change the temperature from the one set in zipato to the one that is set in the manual mode on the thermostat itself at next wakeup...


I got the same problem and I spent a lot of time to understand and get the good settings of the thermostat itself (Hortsmann SRT321 with SSR303, linked together) and the virtual thermostat (VT).

You should trie this VT setting (see attached file). Zipabox can't handle with the parameters "Input" and "Output" device to be the same. In my case I set up the "Output" with SRT321.

For the thermostat SRT321, I set up the wakup time every 30 mn (It's important).

If you want to modify the T° manually, you can do that by changing the T° in the VT => the program mode should shift in "until next" mode.

If you modify the T° in the thermostat manually, it will run until the next wakup time and then the VT will handle again the T° regarding the program.


See, this actually proves that not every time is zipato in fault but sometimes it also is dependent on the device you use. For example I have this MCO thermostat

and believe or not, but even it has no descriptors it was included on the 1st try and works flawlessly. I have it as input, output and thermometer and have to say it is a truly proessional solution without any further need of input by zipato. Although the parameters are not changeable in zipato (due to descriptor missing) as this device supports parameter settings via its own display, it is no problem to adjust.

Works like charm from day one. and obviously without any wakeup interval...:) instant change...


Half agreed with you regarding the fault of zipato to support devices. I bought SRT321 4 years ago and during 2 years it has worked perfectly set up in VT as output & input device. But since almost 2 years the new dashboard arriving problems have started and zipato made the choice to only set up as output device the SRT321 and maybe others thermostats.

I'm glad to heard about Mcohome products as professional solutions and convince me to use that brand.


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