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Trouble with zipato mini keypad

Coyote69 shared this problem 7 years ago

Hi all,

I have a problem with my zipato mini keypad. It seems to works ok but something is amiss.

I can include it in my zipabox without problem.

I can add rfid tag and code in slot without problem (i've the "code learned successfully")

i can add the tag and code inside the virtual alarm to arm and disarm it.

I can add a tag or code to a rule to do something (for example a beep on the siren when i show a tag)

So far no trouble to do all that.

My problem is that when i finally show a tag (press home or away button then show a tag) or use a code everything seems ok but nothing happen on the zipabox side (no arm/disarm, no rule triggering...)

I don't see any event in the live event list on the web.

Can someone help me to understand what's wrong?

Replies (5)



this seems strange. If you can trigger your rule (to beep a siren), you should be able to program your RFID to arm/disarm your alarm.

Did you remember to save your configuration when you learned code ?


Thank you,

Yes it seems strange but i'm not able to trigger a rule.

In fact nothing happen on the zipabox side when i show a tag (press home or away button then show a tag).

I've done the configuration many time, trying to exclude the keypad and include it again and learning the tag and code all over again.

After learning, i save then synchronize and even sometime log out and login again.

If i don't log out the login again, the tag doesn't show in the rules.



can you please open ticket on so we can take a closer look at your problem?


Dear Coyote,

I would like to mention that you should (in case you haven't already did that) upgrade your firmware to newest beta. You can do that by going to Controller settings - Firmware - Beta (newest).

After that try again to include your device.


Hello and thank you for your answer?

I'm sure i was already on the latest firmware but i've tried anyway:

-exclusion of keypad

-new firmware

-inclusion of keypad

and now it works without problem.

Again thanks for your help

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