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Using Alexa

Nathan shared this question 7 years ago
Need Answer

I just got an Echo and can't seem to figure out how to turn on / off things in groups. For example, if I wanted to turn 2 lights off and 1 on when I wanted to watch a movie. Do I create a scene using those three lights?

Is there an "Alexa Integration" manual around here somewhere? :)

Replies (1)


there is no ALexa integration manual. To link alexa you need the alexa app installed on your phone. Open this app, go to the menu and select smarthome skills. Add a new skill, search for Zipato. Add Zipato skill, enter your Zipato credentials and go back to app. Run a scan of smarthome devices, either by voice or in the smarthome skill section.

After this is done, you can create a group of devices here. But this will not turn some devices on and others off. It turn them all on or off. To do as you mentioned, you need to create a scene within ZIpato. All scenes are discovered in Alexa to, but you need to ask alexa to turn on a scene, even if the scene is turning off devices.

The only way to get around this, is to create a virtual switch, and use this to turn on and off the associated devices, when you ask alexa to turn on and off this virtual switch.

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