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using usb to ethernet adapter, upgrade to android 6 mashmallow

Adrian Van Der Heijden shared this question 7 years ago
Need Answer

While the usb adapter and the "fix" zipato have implemented for the Zipatile are good, it is not perfect. Even after changing the settings in the Control Center, is still get a wifi logo screen appear at times.

I understand all this is fixed with android 6, Marshmallow. Can we get an upgrade to the Zipatile OS to a new version?

This would also help to support newer apps being released such as Reverb and Doorbird that are currently on the Zipatile.

Replies (1)


Really, no body else thinks this is a good idea.


Adrian, do you mean Ethernet to USB adapter for Zipatile is not properly working? I was thinking on buying it as I find it really usefull. So many things half-working, aren't they?


it works, but as before if you connect over usb-ethernet you get a wifi logo that pops up over the screen. Zipato implemented a fix that you need to go to control centre, Web UI, setting and select your default connection. But though this has fixed the problem for most of the time, I still get the issue occasional. And customers who see this do not understand and we get calls all the time.

The best solution would be an upgrade of the Zipatile operating system to 6.0 minimum. As this fix is implemented in the Android OS. It also helps to keep the OS current with an apps or apk we need to add to the Zipatile.

Now while I know Zipato don't officially support adding apps to the Zipatile, we still need to add some due to the short comings of the controller and the usability for the end user. So an OS upgrade would be great.

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