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What would you recommend: Variable or virtual switch

Klaus G shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Right now I use a variable as a day/night switch. It is set to "1" 30min after sunrise and back to "0" 30min before sunset. Sometimes, after a reboot, the variable is set back to 0 during the day and I use an other rule to set it back to 1 again manually.

Now my question: Wouldn´t it be better to use a virtual switch instead or are there any drawbacks with virtual switches? The advantage of a switch is that I can see the state and change it via the App in no time but are there any disadvantages compared to a variable?

Replies (7)



I use virtual switches and mostly it works fine. Even after a reset.


Variables will be reset if the box restarts. Switches keep their state...



I use the virtual meter, it has 16 values to use and does not reset after a reboot of the box.



For this same purpose I use a virtual sensor, which cannot be changed accidentally from the app and it stores it's value. The only variable I use is to detect a reboot or power off, whenever I see this value go to zero I run a rule that recalculates several virtual switches and sensors (including daylight) and then sets a value to this variable and won't run again until another reboot is performed.


Thanks a lot, that convinces me to use a virtual switch or meter. And the idea of using a variable to detect a reboot is also a good idea.

@Alberto: What do you use to look after the variable for reboot? A scheduler? Could you please post that rule?

Best regards and again thanks to everyone



Sorry for my delayed answer. Yes, for me started very simple, using two rules as follows;

1. A scheduler that activates a virtual sensor, waits for a few seconds and then deactivates it.

2. Rule that is activated when this virtual sensor is active and if the variable (in my case SFS) is less than 1 then it runs and recalculates what I need.

After a few months my rule number 2 started to be very long so I decided to split it in two rules, and then with some issues that firmware upgrades caused to my zipabox I decided to make a 5 repetition reboot housekeeping.

1. Rule 1 same as above

2. Rule 2 runs when variable is less than 1 and minute flasher active, do some stuff and set value 1 to SFS.

3. Rule 3 runs when variable is from 2 to 5 and minute flasher active, do some stuff and increments value by 1.

Any question feel free to ask.


Thank you very much Alberto! I think my rule will be much shorter because I don´t have to reset so many values but your explanation was a very useful for me.


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