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Z-Wave.Me Floor Thermostat support in Zipato Zipabox

Alexey Yezhov shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Hi all,

I have a strong need for my Zipato Zipabox to communicate with Z-wave.Me Floor Thermostat ( ).

As of now the thermostat seems to have some incompatibility with zipato as the device may be easily recognised and added into z-wave network controlled by zipabox, but it has limited functionality. I can easily read current temperature from the built-in thermometer, but cannot manage both heating setpoint and mode.

I've contacted local zipato support, they advised to try to make a virtual device with output points linked to my thermostat. Such solution has made some progress, as I can now manage the setpoint and the mode via such workaround. In particular, changing the temperature in virtual thermostat causes relevant change in actual thermostat, the same happens with the state - changing between "off", "heat" and "auto" in virtual device causes the same changes in real device.

The only problem in workaround is that the relay is still not working disregarding the thermostat mode, an as a result the floor does not get warm.

I also tested my thermostats (I have two) with Fibaro HC2 and Vera Lite, no issues found, the thermostats are duly identified by these controllers and fully operational.

Based on these facts I may assume the limited support is smth specific to zipato.

Can you please provide on whether zipato is going to fill the gap and make my thermostats fully operational with Zipabox?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Replies (3)


This thermostat is exactly like my neighbour has (he does not have a zwave version). I guess zipato needs to get the support sorted. All zwave devices should be supported by zipato...


Needs to be clarified here. There is an original Devilink device, which is not Z-wave compatible at all, and there is a version of the same Devi thermostat, which is officially upgraded by in order to add Z-wave support.

My request relates to the latter only.


Hi, no need to clarify. Obviously the one you are mentioning needs support sorted. I was just simply wondering that this is another product that has Zwave version

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