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Zigbee Pro controlled radiators

paul jd70 shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Hi all,

I am considering buying a zipabox and adding the zigbee module so I can control my radiators. I have a whole set of Needo (by Zoppa) smart radiators. They are controlled by their own device controller, but its via zigbee Pro. I wondered whether I can set up the Zipbox to control the radiators instead.

Also I wondered if Zipaboz and Zipatile have the same capabilities such as SIP server.

One final question is how you go about controlling a device that is not listed?

Thanks for any help


Replies (3)



1. I have no experience with Zigbee radiators, I know there are a couple types of zigbee and not all of them are compatible. For example, Phillips Hue uses zigbee LL (lightining link) and zipabox zigbee module uses zigbee HA (home automation), so the phillips bulbs cannot be added directly to the controller, they need to be added to the hue bridge and talk through ethernet to the zipabox. You need to make sure your radiators use zigbee HA and they are on the same frecuency of the box module.

2. Zipabox has no capabilities of being a SIP server, only Zipatile. See this link,

3. What do you mean? devices that are not listed where?


Thanks. The radiators are Zigbee HA. I was thinking about if I had a Z-wave enabled thermometer, whether I can add it as a source for temperature for instance. but there are so many devices around I don't know exactly how it might work.. I guess its a form of discovery once you try to add the device in and it syncs for the first time if it can.


Yes you can have a z-wave temperature meter and add it as input in the thermostat controller of the zipabox, which is a virtual device you can add to the box and configure inputs/ouputs to regulate temperature.

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