Zipabox 433MHz Module

Selter shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Dear Team,

I've just connected the 433MHz to the Zipabox - but now I'm wondering how to use it.

Do I need to make some further settings?

I tried to assign a CoCo AFR-060 (Remoteswitch for lightbulbs) but it doesnt't worked out.

The AFR-060 isn't in the list which comes up when selecting add a CoCo-Device. So I just clicked randomly on a device but then the following messages appeared: "Network not available".

It is the same message which I get, when trying to select KNX or something else - which I really don't own.

It would be great if someone could help me with this.



Replies (9)


Contact support@zipato,com or about this. There are some problems with the expansion modules.


if a device isn't in the list, it is not supported. Only devices in the list are supported............. which kinda sucks. When I bought the 433MHz module, I thought I could control all my lightwaverf devices......... LOL. More than half of my devices isn't supported. So for x-mas I put the vera edge and rfxtrx433e on my wishlist and unfortunately the zipabox etc will go on ebay :-(


wait darkwing, wait and Santa might bring something else.


but how long for? :-)

For more LightwaveRF devices to be supported I am waiting over 9 months now, and for my Livolo switches to be supported I am waiting 8 months since requesting it...........

[quote] Hrvoje ● 8 months ago

Hello Darkwing,

we are working on that, Livolo switches were ordered and they will be supported.

Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,


Maybe those switches didn't arrive yet? :P

If they just either made the 433MHz module have a learning option, or add support for the rfxtrx433, people could add their own things without having to wait for a very long time :)


Thank you for the quick reply.

@Darkwing: Do you also get the message "Network not available". Since I only have the AFR-060 - which is unfortunately not supported - I have no chance to check whether the whole 433 MHz module isn'n working.


no I don't get that message, I select CoCo and then click on a random device, which then starts the inclusion process, so seems your module is either broken, or not connected properly? I would try to completely power off the box (remove power cable and battery) and then with the module connected, power it up.


Hero is right, sometimes an expansion module does not show up or connect properly. Issue a ticket here and they can sort it out for you here

The 433 is particularly buggy when connecting devcices at the moment as they are updating some important specs for it.


Thanks, I'll wait what the support team can do.

One of the reasons to buy a Zipato was the ability to connect 433MHz devices - I hope that it will do so ...


Unless Adrian is implying above that they will add a learn function to the 433MHz module soon, I wouldn't keep your hopes up on getting the AFR-060 to work any time soon.... ;D

I asked for more lightwaverf devices to be supported, and that was 9 months ago.............


I will check tomorrow what can be done for that CoCo device. But I am interested what Lightwave devices are you talking about? Do you have a list of them? I would also like to check that,

BTW I am a developer at zipato



I have the following LightwaveRF devices that are not in the list and won't work by choosing a different similair device from another brand.

Radiator valve LW900 - rebranded Siemens?

door/window switch LW904

Thermostat LW901 - also rebranded?

Boiler switch - LW920

Energy monitor - LW600

Of that list the window/door switches would be my highest priority as I was planning to use those for my alarm system........

energy monitor second.

The other ones I was planning to exchange for zwave so not really needed for me.


As for getting the network on, contact the support.

When you get the network on, you will need the latest beta firmware (later than 8e). I can provide you with the unofficial version.

Then you may try to include your CoCo device under LCMR-1000 or ACM-1000. It might work although we do not officially support that device because we do not have it here and we did not test it.


Do you already have that LW904 switch? Seems a colleague ordered it 8 months ago?

Thanks for any support you can provide :-)

Ivan Pribanić ● 8 months agoHello,

We have put JSJSLW904 on our wishlist and we will see if we can support when we get it for testing. You can try to join it as any Coco, Chacon or Nexa door/window sensor currently supported and see if this will work as such on Zipabox. We of course cannot guarantee it will work normally, but you can try and see if this solution might help.



As for lightwave, it si true that we do not officially support your devices, but I wonder have you tried to include door/window as LW107? What happened?

Or your boiler switch as LW825 or LW 830?

Now you probably won't succeed, because you will also need the latest FW that should come out these days


thanks, I'll give it a try after the new FW has been released.


just FYI, adding the door switch LW904 as motion detector LW107 kinda worked :-) When I open the door it says motion, and when closed no motion......... so at least I can work with that. Any way of changing it to say open or closed? :-) Thanks! I used the old UI to add them.

Will try boiler switch another time.


Can do. I will add a new device descriptor and configure it to display "open/close".

You will be able to do that in the new UI when beta is released or you can send me SN of your box and I will update it with unofficial firmware version


I added LW904 on the list. You can try if it works.


The Zipabox needs some more generic way of interacting with "unknown" devices so that not every device has to be specifically supported for it to be usable. I think.


Hi Zeljko, you mentioned that another firmware release is due soon. How soon? I'm going to send my box for a review in one huge Czech Internet review site which if is successful will make a lot of new purchases.

Pls let me know. Is the unofficial version more stable?


I am not sure, but I think that new beta release 8k is out now. You can try it.


What is new in this release?



If you have message Network not available,

your module 433 is probably not detected by the box

So on the new control panel, go to API (top bottom middle of screen)

In a new window click on :

Firmware and when the drop-down appears click on "get" button beside "/firmware/update/beta" and then click on "try it out"

For me it solve the problem, after this i had network and can add devices.


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