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Zipabox Rules Not Reliable

David Lodin shared this problem 9 years ago


2 months ago i purchased my zipabox duo with the 433 addon after

leaving a tellstick net system thats served me very well for many


I have struggle with the rule creator and i´m constantly learing new thing

BUT its not reliable and thats rly annoying!

A simple rule i created and been working fine for weeks just suddenly dont


Like this morning:

I have some lights and a heat radiator that should start 05:20 every

morning, both created with separate rules, didnt start this morning.

One of the rules was created several weeks ago and the other one created

last night.

And a third rule thats a little more complicated didnt start. A http sensor

connected to IFTTT and my google calendar. If i check the IFTTT it runs fine,

the http sensor runs fine if i activate it manualy.

This morning i should have started 05:25 but didnt... if i check the http

sensor in my Control center it says "Active" but didnt trigger the


The day before this it triggerd and started just fine.

// David


Replies (15)


Every now and then somethings stop to work.

It happens too much often...

This morning my shutters did not open.

Reliability is something that seems not to interest at zipato


damn,,, maby a return to the seller and buying a vera would do it...


I'm sharing exactly your thoughts...


I rly dont want to switch the zipabox. I rly like the UI and compability but i need it to be reliable.

My plan is to use it to start my engine heater before work. It gets very cold up here in the northen sweden so the car need the heater.. and I NEED to trust the zipabox..


My box was working without any problem until August. Then I have problem with my rules, synchronized etc. Tried to upgrade, no change. I have problem with web-app and mobile-app. Zipato have obviously done something on their server.


Perhaps this is due to the effect that nowadays often the scheduler is off by 2 hours (see other posting)



Last night i deleted all rules and re-created them. This morning 3 rules should have started between 05:00-05:25 BUT didt start instead 2 hours later.

Why? How can i fix it.


I have a lot of problems with syncing my rules. Most of the time a rule/ scene change will result in a broken or not working rule set. It cost my huge time and the fun part isn't there anymore.

I hope this problem is now being resolved quickly and we can count on a stable infrastructure


I only have one rule with a scheduler - it's supposed to turn my coffee machine on at 6am, but it hasn't worked for the last three days.


I only have one rule with a scheduler - it's supposed to turn my coffee machine on at 6am, but it hasn't worked for the last three days.


I'm also using 433mhz modules for my zipato system. Since these only have one way communication, i use three action blocks in my rules. Fore instant if im supposed to turn a light on, im sending the command three times. I was annoyed that the commands not always did not always trigger the ligth.

Since my motion detectors only send once pr detected motion in the room, the Zipabox sometimes does not register the signal. But on these devices i cant control how many times the command should be sendt, so here i have some problems.


We had some issues with the time zones recently. Issue has been resolved on the server, but some controller may still be affected, especially rules which were made at that time (probably the time in the rule is shifted). You should try creating the same rule again, and if the problem persist, please contact support to fix this problem for you.


you problem is different than this one. It's probably caused by the range issue or some interference.


Anders if you use nexa motion detector it is worthless tried it at bauhaus with new batteries directly conected to a nexa on of module!


I have Z-Wave plugs and I have had rules started 2 hours earlier than requested for the last days...

Still does not work correctly, although I synchronized!



hmm, this day everything just works... maybe some server problems.. hope it stays that way

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