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ZipaBox Server Release Log

HB shared this idea 11 years ago
Under Consideration


You have updated ZipaBox Servers with added features and solved bugs... GOOD!

Could it be possible to have a somewhere a log file, with dates and list of new features added and solved bugs, or other new things.



2013-03-12 22:33

Bugfix - solved the bl.a. Bl.a. Bl.a. Bug solved.

2013-03-11 17:30

Performance improvement, move to amazone cloud.

2013-03-09 18:45

Bug #0234 - can't do what it is supposed to do. SOLVED!

Bug #0456 - impossible to enter information in bl.a. Bl.a. Bl.a. SOLVED!

Bug #0012 - when bl.a. Bl.a. Then can't bl.a. Bl.a. SOLVED!

Added function to add new bl.a.Added function to bl.a. Bl.a.

Added feature to be able bl.a. Bl.a.


That way users can understand all the work done. And also see what added and so on, just like normal release notes. And if you also added some bug reporting functionality somewhere (bugzilla?) Then you in the log just refer to bug #xxx when solved.

I'm sure you know about Fibaro and all the bugs, instability and bad support and no communication they have problems with... But now with their bugzilla and their small regualy BETA releases with good release notes, they are more back on track.


Don't know if you have it, But it could be good with a were you can test new functionality... And when ready move it to And have the normal more reliable and stabil.

Just some ideas...

And one more thing...

Keep up the good work! ;-)

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