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ZipaTile alarm usuage

Joris shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer


Quick question... is it possible to configure the ZipaTile as a alarm system as following?

When a motion or door sensor detects motion or a door opens the alarm system triggers a scene so the user has ~30 seconds to disable the alarm by typing in the correct PIN code on the Zipatile. During this process the screen turns on and play continuously a beeping sound. When the PIN was correct the beep and screen turns off and all sensors disable automatically.

And also the other way around. PIN code was entered and the user has 30 seconds to leave the building. After 30 seconds the sensors turn on automatically and the screen of the ZipaTile turns off.

If not, please advice on how I can do this the proper way! :-)

Replies (2)



If I were a burglar and the ZipaTile attracted my attention because it started beeping and asking for a pin code, I would rip it off the wall, throw it to the floor and and jump on it, in the anticipation that it would kill the alarm system :-)


Well Robert, I would suggest you to stay away from burglary. And if you would to something like that, Zipatile would already take a photo of yourself while you are attracted by it's beeping and send it to the cloud. Also, motion sensor and shock sensor would be tripped before you rip if off, and probably the noise sensor. All this information would be instantly sent to the cloud and message would be sent to the owner and all other contacts associated to his account.

Even in case you are invisible, owner would be informed by the shock sensor once you rip it off, as Zipatile has battery inside and it will work these few seconds while you are ripping it off.

In case you are smart enough to cut the Internet (and Zipatile is not eventually connected to 3G), owner will be contacted by the Zipato cloud immediately, after the connection between Zipato Cloud and Zipatile has been broken for any reason.

In any case, whatever you do or try to do, owner will certainly be informed, so if you decide to become burglar and see Zipatile on your job, I think you should rather run away and hope that Zipatile didn't see you;-)



You just presented a detailed and great sales pitch for ZipaStuff!!!

(And rest assured, I'll definitely not take up a new trade as a burglar! :-)

Best regards.



You can setup various kinds of delays for arming and disarming. However, factory default is 30 second for both arming and disarming.


Yes but there is no way to know that the system is running those 30 seconds already which defeats Joris purpose, which happens to be my purpose too. The alarm system only tells you if it is Armed Home/Away, Disarmed and Tripped. There is no easy way to do the beeping while those 30 seconds are passing and the fact that if you disarm the system at sec 15 for example it will stop the beeping. I have tried to achieve this removing the entry delay and exit delay (so the tripped event triggers my siren) and using rules to change the sound of the siren from beeping to emergency after 30 seconds pass by, but then there is no way you can arm the system while inside your home. If you keep the entry and/or exit delays, the siren wont be triggered for that amount of time, but there is no event that tells you if the perimeter has been breached and the delay is running.

I have been playing with this for a while without the exact solution guys like us would need, I think a "Warning" event which could be configured just like the "Squawks" would be an awesome feature. I'm pretty sure many would find this feature useful.

My latest approach was to create two alarms with the same zones, one silent (slave) one that uses the siren. I mimic the slave alarm ARM/DISARM commands with the master. Slave has no entry/exit delay, master does. When Slave alarm is tripped and Master alarm is armed then I use it as the "warning" state. When Master alarm gets tripped then I change from beeping to emergency, it's almost working as I want but it's hard to maintain (if you keep adding sensors) and needs a few rules to make all that happen. I really hope Zipato considers this as you guys did with the ARMED HOME/AWAY, that was helpful thanks.

Last thing on my wishlist to make the alarm perfect, would be a way to send a message of which user disarmed or armed the alarm, that information is already on the controllers (you can see it in the logs) it's just matter of giving us a way to use that info with some sort of event.


Thanks Sebastian! I did found those options last night, so I'll have a go with it!



Let me know how you handled the beeping warning, please, I have been playing with it for quite a bit.


Hola Alberto,

veo que tienes experiencia en zipatile... que opinion tienes??


Hola Jose,

A mi parecer el Ztile es un gran dispositivo en si y en su mayoria son experiencias positivas, es mucho mas rapido que el Zipabox y tambien los sensores integrados son un buen plus. Es el controlador / interfaz mas bonito del mercado, es algo que no entiendo porque algunos fabricantes de dispositivos de domotica no ponen mucha atencion, la estetica, sin duda es un dispositivo bonito, practico y funcional. Desde su concepcion el Zipatile fue creado para tener diversos dispositivos en casa (por habitacion) e integrarlos mediante cluster, sin embargo puedes usarlo sin este. Hasta ahora mi Tile (parte por falta de tiempo y parte por bugs reportados aqui) no he integrado el cluster con el famoso Zipato Duo (zipabox y Zipatile), hasta el momento mi Tile es una interfase para el Zipabox (me logeo al Zipabox desde ahi) y para todos mis otros dispositivos inteligentes (Alexa, Phillips Hue, Sonos).

La razon principal por la que tengo todos los dispositivos en mi Zipabox es debido a la duracion tan corta de la bateria del Tile, aprox 20 minutos desde 100%, mientras que el Zipabox le dura aproximadamente 2 dias. Mi sistema de seguridad en casa depende del controlador.

Si vas a invertir y solo necesitas WiFi, Zwave y Zigbee ve por la Zipatile e instalala con un no-break, el nuevo zipamicro puede ayudar si necesitas extender el rango de tu casa, ten en cuenta que necesitas licencia PRO para hacer cluster.

Si necesitas otros protocolos como KNX, 433 Mhz, Serial, o tienes un sistema de alarma viejo (cableado) tu unica opcion es el Zipabox. Se que se tiene planeado una nueva version de este pero no se tiene fecha estimada de lanzamiento.

Espero sean de utilidad mis opiniones.


Hola Alberto,

primero de todo... muchas gracias por tu respuesta

Quiero comenzar a meterme con todo este tema... y voy a empezar en la casa de mi suegro y si todo va bien... entonces me pongo en la mia.

La idea es poner un sistema sencillo para que ellos puedan activar y desactivar la alarma.

Por eso he pensado en poner un zipatile dentro de casa justo delante de la puerta de acceso.

Utilizar el sensor que lleva para detectar la presencia.. por si abren la puerta y también he comprado sensores de ventanas y puertas, y por otro lado he comprado controladores de persianas .

Y por último he comprado un doorbird para utilizarlo como videoportero.

Eso es todo lo que quiero poner.

Lo que más me interesa es poder "armar" la alarma y que me avise si me he dejado alguna ventana abierta antes de irme de casa.

Una vez armada , que me avise y suene la alarma si algún sensor se activa, bien sea los de la ventana o bien sea el del mismo zipatile.

y si es posible tener dos tipos de armados.. uno que simplemente active los sensores... y otro que además baje todas las persianas.

Por último utilizar el zipatile como pantalla para ver quien toca el timbre del doorbird...

Te parece muy complicado??? te parece posible con zipatile??



Todo lo que mencionas se puede hacer sin problema con el Tile. El unico detalle que he leido en el foro es con respecto al Doorbird, que funciona pero a traves de internet, no de la red local, es decir que aunque tengas el doorbird y el Tile en la misma red necesitas conexion a internet para que funcione.

Hay diversas maneras de configurar las alarmas para lo que comentas. Lo de las persianas te recomendaria hacerlo mejor con reglas ligadas a la alarma.

De donde eres? Con gusto puedo ayudarte remotamente o si eres de mexico canalizarte con un distribuidor / integrador.


estamos un poco lejos... soy de Barcelona.. españa.

pero me encantaría poder contactar contigo y que me ayudases...a sacarle todo el partido que pueda al Tile.

remotamente sería perfecto.. como podemos hacerlo??

1, enviame un correo y ya charlamos.

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