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Zipatile and Philips hue

Attila Hajdu shared this idea 8 years ago
Under Consideration

Hi, is here anyone who can confirm if Zipatile can right now handle Philips Hue or not?

I need to know (I was aksed by some electricians) as on one side it is advertized that it can, on the other there were some issues with Philips Hue, but was that related to Zipabox only because of the old hardware or all Zipato controllers are effected (mainly Zipatile)?

Replies (13)


I also have lots of Hue lights. They don't work very well with the zipabox. Status does not update on web UI or mobile app. You can't set colour or dim from the mobile app. There is no way to access scenes on the Hue bridge. I would guess that it will be the same on the Zipatile but I would also like to know. I'm considering buying the Zipatile but a big part of my home automation is lights and if Zipato don't fix the support soon (should be working since they advertise it as supported) I think I'll go back to my Vera Plus. It's sad because I really want to like Zipato and the Zipatile looks great :(



I have bought my Hue bridge and 5 bulbs to start, I need to make tests to see how they work with zipabox (haven't got my zipatile yet). I have read they have had issues with phillips hue since the begining but according to post some issues have been fixed. Will let you know the outcome of my tests, just need some time free to do it. Regards.


Hi Alberto. I got my zipatile already on the wall. I had to unpair all my devices from zipabox and then paired with Zipatile. Huge difference. There are no issues so far. The pairing is also a lot better. I haven't set up my rules yet so next week the testing start. So far excellent.


Please let me know the outcome. I pre ordered two zipatiles but I dont even have a date for shipping. I will try with Zipabox anyway...


How is Philips Hue working with the Zipatile?


Do you need the Philips hue bridge to make it work or can the Zipatile manage it alone?



Yes, you need the Hue Bridge to interface the lights to Zipato since they talk different type of Zigbee protocol, Zipato uses HA and Phillips uses LC. Interface is made trough local network.


Attached a picture of it. Beautiful


Cant see the picture :P


I have alot of complains of the Hue integration. But at least I can use a rule to start them and turn them off.

But I am shore they are aware of them and will work something out.

Butt to add to the list of improvements in web UI is:

1) On/Off in the same divice as RGBW

2) Working white control

3) Good color match

4) And of course scenes


Same here, lots of issue's with hue. Well more with the zipabox. I can't understand why I can buy any €0,99 app of a third party in the appstore that can do magic with hue, and does everything you want... But the zipabox doesn't. I hope they will fix:

  1. - State of the light bulbs in the app ans ui is not correct

- Color Matching or manually enter the RGB values
- Scenes act different (brightness is less on app with one of my scenes) on when activating on UI and the app? huh?
- Brightness slide in the app

So far I think you shouldn't say hue is supported, but maybe this is your way to promote your own zipato bulbs.


Hello Rob,

All of the things you've mentioned are working for lots of other users, which points me to the fact that this might be indeed an isolated case. Could you please open a support ticket addressed to my name so we can debug this issue further and get your HUE system working?

Best regards,

Vedran Brundić

Zipato Support Team


No! The Hue interaction/ integration still need some work. I will get back with what is missing!


Is there a way to combine Hue lights to one dimmer.

if you have more Hue spots you can only dim them on at a time, i have 3 spots i like do dim whit one dim control.


Try to group these in the rule creator. Unfortunately then you are limited to the rule creator though. Perhaps it can be somehow linked to a virtual dimmer (level controller) that will control the group behaviour.


I now use the remote from Hue it controls all spots at the same time.

Lots of people will have this problem i think....


Cant bind the level control whit the group of Hue lamps.

need some way of the Hue lamps to follow the virtual level control.


I have a few rooms where I have 5 spots each, I use zipato to automate the ON/OFF based on luminance and motion. I have included my Hue system to Zipabox, but I find that it is more reliable to use HTTP requests to recall Scenes than creating Scenes on zipato and then trigger them. When I was using zipato scenes sometimes one or two bulbs would not react or sometimes one or two will react with a big difference of time between them.

Overall I think it is useful to add Hue into Zipabox first if you have PRO license, it can help to do "smarter" rules when you automate them, and in case you want to control each bulb it works reliable, scenes so so. For that I would recommend using HTTP commands using Hue API (if you want to know how to do this see post below).

To be honest since I havent been able to find z-wave dimmers with aesthetics that I like I just went with Hue Tap for manual switching, Aeotec just released a cool wall z-wave controller for scenes that looks promising, however I have my hue taps already...


To bad you cant use the Hue taps on/in the zipato


Hue taps cannot be used in any controller regardless the brand, as far as I have read on Hue Developers it can only be done with an upgrade from phillips.


I have a found a solution for my problem:



i did something similar with the Osram Lightify bulbs.

Ended up being a little more complex, and had to get Zipato to add the white spectrum to the meter also, but it means that only one bulb is present in the app, and when its value changes, all the bulbs change their value to the same.

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