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zipatile cant excl. or incl. z-wave devices

paul schwaermst shared this problem 7 years ago

i can not adding door/window sensor from fibaro (fgk-10x zw5 v3.2) or zipato multisensor ( started directly or online every time is on the screen "time out" after several attempts to exclude or include the sensors without a sign that one was recognized.

The "zwave" and firmware version seem currently "1.2.24j".

Zwave reset I have already done, unfortunately without the problem to fix.Now I need help or can I somehow recognize whether the zwave module is defective.

Greetings with hope on help.


Replies (2)



I also had problems once to include a Fibaro door window sensor. Try the following;

1. Reset the module to factory settings (see manual).

2. Make sure the sensor is very close to zipatile at least 1 meter.

3. Fibaro motion sensor have a "Tamper key" it is in the back the sensor and it's designed to detect when the sensor is not attached to the wall, however, some sensors won't allow you to perform exclusion/inclusion if this key is not pressed during the process. So, if the sensor is not attached to a door/wall yet, use your fingers to press this tamper key and then perform the inclusion/exclusion (without relasing the tamper key). If it is already attached to a wall/door I'm afraid it is not "making contact" properly and this tamper key is not pressed while attempting the inclusion.

4. After you include this sensor to the network make sure this tamper key is always pressed ("making good contact") otherwise your sensor will deplete its battery in a few hours since it will be sending "tamper alerts" to the controller. This sensor is well know for this issue (If I would have known before buying 6 of them...).

Hope this helps.


If no good, try downgrate the firmware to an earlier version and keep us posted.

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