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Zipatobox sometimes needs syncronisation

Klaus G shared this question 7 years ago

I´m sometimes confused about the need for syncronisation (left side in web browser):

If I check it, it sometimes it needs syncronisation, sometimes not. Even if I syncronize and don´t change anything in rules (sync on the right side of browser), there might be the need for a syncronisation.

Perhaps someone can explain to me, what happens if I don´t look regulary to sync? I can´t find a difference in normal operations and I´m on the actual firmware.


Replies (2)


Hello Klaus,

I have been having issues with synchronization on Zipabox for a few weeks now, for some reason it is not the same than for my Zipatile, zipato support is aware and they are investigating. Regarding your question, you would have to sync the box every time something is added, removed, renamed or modified on the box, left side synchronizes everything but rules and right side sinchronizes everything. I have noticed that when a sync is required after a reboot or after a firmware upgrade of course, I have noticed that my zipabox sometimes does not reconize something changed (after a couple firmware upgrades, before it used to), in theory it would have to detect any change and ask for synchronization.

If you didn't changed anything (like in case of a reboot) shouldn't be a problem by not syncing, only if you change something and you don't sync. Maybe from Zipato can confirm or correct me if I'm wrong.


Hi Alberto, thanks for that piece of information. I always wondered why there are two buttons instead of one. So I always used the right one after changing rules and the left one right after. Doesn´t take much time so I wonder why there isn´t a single "Sync all" Button. But perhaps Zipato can take that into account.



The right one could be considered as "sync all", it does sync the controller and then rules.

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