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remotec zxt 120 Tutorial

christophe Perez shared this question 12 years ago


i have a remotec ZXT 120, remotec give me a code for my air cooler.but it's does'nt work...

I think I do not do well...

would you have a tutorial to understand or someone who can tell me step by step how to do?

thank's you


Replies (30)



I have a ZXT120 Remotec with my Zipabox and an LG AC.

I succeed in programming my AC with rules and Climate Widget.

If you have many compatibles codes with you AC, you must try each.

In climate widget put your ZXT120 in "Output" and "Input" (and Temperature if you want).

For rules you must configure codes (easy).


ChrisDalo, je crois que tu es français ?

si tu as un email je suis preneur pour comprendre parce que en fait j'ai bien la liste de mes codes qui devraient marcher avec mon ZXT mais je ne sais comment faire j'ai du passer devant sans voir de resultat ???

en fait je ne sais pas comment essayer mes codes pour trouver le bon ?


Va sur le Forum de Tout La Domotique rubrique Zipato, j'ai le même pseudo et envois moi un MP, je te répondrais, aprés je ferais la traduction et je le posterai ici.


Hello Team.

Have you changed something on ZXT120 actuator ?

I can't put actuator of my ZXT in Action Rules.

And i allways have two Icons of my ZXT in Controls Rules.

If i can't use my ZXT with Climat in auto mode and you remove actions in rules, I must found my original control remote.



ChrisDalo wrote:

Hello Team.

Have you changed something on ZXT120 actuator ?

I can't put actuator of my ZXT in Action Rules.

And i allways have two Icons of my ZXT in Controls Rules.

If i can't use my ZXT with Climat in auto mode and you remove actions in rules, I must found my original control remote.


yes, we were working on something. Can you try now?


Nothing better.

It seems that rules don't work.

I made a simple rule but no action


Better for rules, but not for ZXT in action rules.


ChrisDalo wrote:

Better for rules, but not for ZXT in action rules.
Hi Chris, we found the problem caused by us. We will fix it soon...


Ok, i can use ZXT actuator in action rules now.

Thanks Sebastian.

Now you just have to make ZXT and Climate Widget fully compatible



i succeed to do ZXT120 work in climat widget auto mode.

I include ZXT , exclude ZXT, and include again.

After i create a Climate with ZXT, delete the climate and create again the Climate.

Now Climate send "Setpoint Heating" and "Setpoint Cooling"at each mode changement.


When I use Climate with my ZXT 120 it keeps sending the same Setpoint

heating eventhough I have changed it....


ChrisDalo wrote:


I have a ZXT120 Remotec with my Zipabox and an LG AC.

I succeed in programming my AC with rules and Climate Widget.

If you have many compatibles codes with you AC, you must try each.

In climate widget put your ZXT120 in "Output" and "Input" (and Temperature if you want).

For rules you must configure codes (easy).

What are the events displayed in when you use climate with the zxt 120?



Every time the ZXT120 send temperature to the box, the box send "Setpoint Heating", "Setpoint colling" and "Thermostat Mode". (can see in events)

So every 5 minutes the Climate widget send the same value to my AC,if there is no change of temperature or mode. (and i hear the beep every 5 minutes)

I don't use Climate WIdget for my AC, i use rules and HTTP request to start, stop and change temperature. (Even with my phone)


ChrisDalo wrote:

Every time the ZXT120 send temperature to the box, the box send "Setpoint Heating", "Setpoint colling" and "Thermostat Mode". (can see in events)

So every 5 minutes the Climate widget send the same value to my AC,if there is no change of temperature or mode. (and i hear the beep every 5 minutes)

I don't use Climate WIdget for my AC, i use rules and HTTP request to start, stop and change temperature. (Even with my phone)

My box never sends setpoint heating , I checked in events.


Are you sure of the "INFRA RED CODE NUMBER" ?

You can change it, synchronise, wait 1 minute and try again to change temperature in widget with cursor.


ChrisDalo wrote:

Are you sure of the "INFRA RED CODE NUMBER" ?

You can change it, synchronise, wait 1 minute and try again to change temperature in widget with cursor.

I manage to send instruction to my AC using ZXT 120, my problem is that the climate widget does not send instruction to my AC.


ChrisDalo wrote:


i succeed to do ZXT120 work in climat widget auto mode.

I include ZXT , exclude ZXT, and include again.

After i create a Climate with ZXT, delete the climate and create again the Climate.

Now Climate send "Setpoint Heating" and "Setpoint Cooling"at each mode changement.

What do you mean by include then exclude?


"Add device" and "Remove device" from General Widget.

Your ZXT120 sends temperature to your Box ?

Because when i used ZXT in climate widget, before Box sent "Setpoint h..." to ZXT, my box received "Temperature" from ZXT.

It was the event to activate the sendind.

Check this in Event


ChrisDalo wrote:

"Add device" and "Remove device" from General Widget.

Your ZXT120 sends temperature to your Box ?

Because when i used ZXT in climate widget, before Box sent "Setpoint h..." to ZXT, my box received "Temperature" from ZXT.

It was the event to activate the sendind.

Check this in Event

First, thanks for your time. After playing around the climate widget and removing then adding zxt 120 I managed to get the climate widget to send instruction. Climate receives temperature and sends setpoint_heating instructions when I move the temperature cursor to different temperatures. My problem is that those instructions are never transmitted to my AC by the ir transmitter ZXT. I tried all different IR CODE NUMBER that were provided For Daikin AC but it didn't work for any of them.....

It might be worth mentioning that I managed to control the AC through the zxt ir emitter using rules creator. I used one of the IR CODE NUMBER provided and I just entered some instructions manually (HEAT 20, HEAT 24, etc....) It works fine but it is not as advanced as the Climate widget.


I prefer use rules with my AC and ZXT.

With Climate you can't start or stop AC.

I made rules to start,stop and set temperature with my phone.

I use Scheduler in rules to start and stop AC according temperature.

AC regulate temperature itself, just send temperature is enought.



Can you send a picture of your rule ?


Best regards


I made a HTTP virtual device for my AC (one for the moment,7 in the futur)

I made rules with scheduler to start and stop according temperature (rules 6,7,8)

I made rules to "action" ZXT from HTTP values. (Rules 10,11,12)

I have create on my phone shortcuts to Start, Stop and change temperature with HTTP meter.

I don't use "action" directly in rules 6,7,8 because i don't know why, the ZXT send "on", "off", "temperature" betwen 3 and 20 times to AC.(beep, beep, beep,...)

I use Climate for my radiator (on, off), but not for AC.


Hello everybody,

I have managed to join the RXT-120 with the new zipabox but....

I still cannot see the "IR CODE NUMBER" in order to connect the zxt with the air con.

I've added some pics so that you can see what it looks like.

I've removed and added the zxt 3 times. Is there something else i should do ?




Hello, I've found the place to place the IR code finally. Will configure this week.




How in the configuration dialog box for entering the codes manually? I do not understand how to get the on / off and other codes.

Thank you for helping me.



I just ask for help on this module because I dry miserably.

I don't understand how to learn the codes manually with zipabox.

In the box configuration of the module, we have several fields to learn the codes from the remote control.

But how ? I have no same doc in zipato on this box configuration.

How to use the two buttons "Learning" and "send" ?My air conditioning is a mitsubishi electric codes but I try (supposed to set the module fully aircon) causes a beep to my air conditioning (and therefore get a good info of REMOTEC) but suddenly my aircon not breath, he must I use my remote control to restart the blower, I wonder what happens.Thank you in advance to those who mastered the subject


Oupss sorry,

help is in the online documentation on the dashboard !


Ok, now the air conditioning works well with the module REMOTEC.

But pluggin has a strange behavior, it does not work well as some I've read about. I do not know what to do.


Module is working well using climate widget for controling température but it cannot switch off my climatisation, it

Seems i'm not alone with this problem ? is it a known limitations, any fixes forecasted ?


I have the same problem.


i have remotec V1.6H, and want to use the climate widget.

i cannot find where to write the IR code from the Code List with the ZXT-120 for my Panasonic Airconditioner. The Learn/Transmitt works well, and rules for that.

Have tried powecycle zipabox, zxt-120. Factory reset, switching between FLIR/Always listening..

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