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Rule Creator - "offline" device alert on email / sms

Geir Peder Bøe shared this idea 5 years ago

I know many members on the forum have asked for a method of being alerted if a device has gone into "offline" modus. I have been struggling with some power outages in one areas of my cottage, the kitchen. The electricians dont find the reason (I think its lightning).

It would be quite good to be able to make a rule that alerts me when a device in that area goes offline to avoid all my food in the freezer going bad.

My solution to this is to make a rule in the rule creator where: "When Fibaro Wall plugg.... - goes.... - OFF .... - send message". This works alright, just now, but the OFF should have been switched with "offline", but is nowhere to be found.

Is there possible to get the "offline" trigger in Zipato?



Replies (6)



at the moment it is not possible to create rule for alerting about offline devices but in the future we plan to add this feature. It is not defined when it wil lbe implemented but we will consider it at higher priority.





I would like to inform you that in V3 platform is implemented Battery status alarm (PRO alarm license is required) in order to alert user if any device under the System is offline and/or has low battery (user-defined limit).


Thanks Dino, ,. it is great and unfortunately unusual being updated about V3 development, this is the way. We all hope news on a regular basis

P.S. please don't forget about the V3 documentation which we all wait since too much time

Best Regards




What Zipato box do you use? If you have a Zipatile, you could plug the tile into that same circuit and you can create rule with the power status of the tile, since it has battery built in you could setup a rule fairly easy. I use this approach to turn off automatically all my light bulbs in my home when there is a power failure (Smart bulbs tend to turn on after power interruption). Zipamicro also has a small battery that can help you do the same.

With Zipabox you would need to have the battery module attached to it. The approach you are taking will not work, since the device you are using is not battery powered, as soon as the power goes off it will stop transmitting any signal to the box.


Bonjour monsieur,

svp, est-il possible de régler la procédure pour recevoir les mails / sms via mes règles de maison , puisque je reçois mes mails tardivement, lorsque l action est déjà passe, j aimerai recevoir les mails / sms en temps réel, j aimerai bien savoir si c est possible de régler, de modifier le temps.

avec mes remerciements,


Thanks a lot. I had the pro license, but did not have the oportuinty to use it before the 1 year time limit passed :-) Anyway, I would believe that the function soon will be available for everyone. I do not have the tile, but the Zipabox.

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