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Logic Soft ZHC5010 (Fantastic news)

Martin De Molade Høwisch shared this idea 8 years ago

This is so fantastic news, i'm almost crying - The Logic Soft ZHC5010 (a Fuga compatible wall plug switch has hit the stores in Denmark (its Danish design & made, so its fits in our walls "the FUGA system normaly made by Schneider Electric (It looks like IHC.)

See it here:

That a side, i need help to make it update currecly in Zipato - both Fibaro HC2, and the Vera Edge has the possibility to read the manuel status, it work if I turn it on/off in Zipato - but when pressing the manuel off botton, it stays on in Zipato. The manufactory told me i need to make sure Zipato supports Multi Channel devices, + i need to be able to make bindings on master and slave notes. Whaaatt :)

HC2 guide in danish, but with pictures.

The danish guide, with pictures could maybe help some in gessing, what needs to be done in Zipato, hope someone will help, if not Zipato will find the device absolutly fantastic and include and support it via a future firmware update. It goes ind as a "Unknown Manufacturer Binary Switch."

Replies (16)


try sending a device, switch, to Zipato for implementation. Or at least email support to see what they can do.


Hi Martin

I suggest you contact the vendor and make them send a device to Zipato for full integration. They are fairley expensive 100 euro a piece.

Let us know if you get it to work. I am consodering buying a couple or three if it works.

BtW The formfactor is also sold in the other scandinavian countries under the ELKO brand. E g Elko wireless


I wrote them an e-mail. Lets hope they pick up on it and ships a device to Zipato.

Did you progress with getting the box to actually register the buttons? - I have a hard time understanding the value of the device if the box doesn´t register when you push a button on the switch. The functionality of the device is fully depending on the box interpeting the buttonpress and do some action (e.g. turn on/off light) - or did I misunderstand you and it it only the off button that is not registered?


Hi Martin

Did you get it to work and how?


Zipato made a fantastic job - and the Logic Soft ZHC5010

Is now supported - and works FANTASTIC :) Great job Zipato.

Yes Troels - you can go ahead and order some devices now


I got mine now. However I have run into a couple of problems keeping it from working.

1 - OK - I can control the 4 multilevel switches from my Zipato interface, turning buttons 1-4 on and off including relay

2 - NOT OK - I can not change the state of the switches in Zipato interface when I press the physical buttons on the ZHC - seems like the button press is not registered in Zipato at all.

3 - NOT OK - I can not see the switches as options under devices in the rule builder even though "Hide in rule builder" is not ticket off.

So all in all it is only one way communication from the zipato to the switch and I can´t control any devices, since the 4 buttons of the ZHC is not available in the rulebuilder (which is the way I prefer to control devices, but if theres another way (associasion etc, I´m open for input, I just don´t get the association interface at all :) )


Below my configuration + settings for the ZHC


Hi Troels, if you update to latest beta 1.0.13 and exclude & include the device again, under devices under control you will now get new options to use all the bottons - see my picture.

I have tested it, and it works - no delay on the action of the rules! :0)


Hi Troels,

Its the same here, i have the same issues. 1 is okay, all the rest is not working. :(

Have you been writing with support?


Hi Troels, if you update to latest beta 1.0.13 and exclude & include the device again, under devices under control you will now get new options to use all the bottons - see my picture.

I have tested it, and it works - no delay on the action of the rules! :0)


Posted this to support:

A little more experiences over the last days

After upgrade to 10.0.12 the device actually registered and all buttons worked fine. However after first sync the events stops showing up in eventviewer. Also only button 1 and button 2 showed up as options in rule builder.

When including device it never ended - but the device was included and "worked".

After upgrade to 10.0.13 the inclusion process now runs fully and also synchronizes automatically - with the result that no events are now registered in box after inclusion.

So it seems that the inclusion process now works, except not adding all buttons to rule builder, but the synchronization messes the configuration up.

CAn you give a status on this?


Did you see my last post ?



Must be my device which is unstable. As mentioned above after update to 1.0.13 the device does not send commands to the box and in rule builder only any,on,off are available options. had the option in one of many includes back on 1.0.11 and the box responded on buttonpress on 1.0.12 - but after upgrade the device inclusion process goes fine, but no response on the button as well as no additional options in rule builder.



Mine is still not working. I am now on FW 1.0.15. actually I can get button 1 relay to work by associating it, but the rest of the buttons are not functional at all and they are not available in rulebuilder. So actually the situation is worse than with FW 9.9.8 where at least they would work until box was synchronized.

@ zipato: I talked to the producer of the device and they sent you a couple of units. any ETA on when you will look into this issue? Kind of demotivating to have a 180 euro 4 button switch where only 1 button is working and you cant setup rules and thereby control other deviced. Sort of ruins the point with a multilevel switch.


Does it now? I am considering to buy 2-3 pieces, but will be sure they work before I buy them.



Works fine now. Make sure to be on latest beta firmware.

Some of the functions are a little unlogic, such as the double click, which also is registered as 2 clicks on/off/on

But all in all stable and well functioning


Also positive from my side. Very good and stable Z-wave product.

Works ok but still a few workarounds needed if you e.g. want to control a dimmer with the relay function. This is still not working but I know the (Danish) manufacture is in contact with Zipato to fix this issue.



As always, nothing works out of the box..

When adding the device I get only the "Relay State" in the device browser and it only works one way. When I change the state in the device manager the power toggles in the switch and the state changes in the device manages. However, when I press the physical button on the device that switches the relay (top left corner) the relay also switches but it is not reported in the device manager. It seem that there is no communication back to the zipato box.

If I set "STATE" of Button#2 On/Off to master and Button#2 On/Off to be "shown as device" I get the switch in the device browser but it does not get updates when I press the physical button on the device. Does anyone know how to fix this?


Is it possible to disregard the internal relay and have the button in the top left corner work as the other buttons?



ZHC5010 only has one relay and that's exactly what you see in the device browser. The rest of the functionality is available via the rule creator.

To get relay state updates the controller needs to be associated with ZHC5010 association group 2. You can use the associations manager to check this.


Thanks for the reply.

I have it working now. Had selected the multiswitch under "Actuator" instead of "Control".

Also receiving updates for the build-in relay.

Really a nice product.


Hello. I am currently having isues with the ZHC5010 on a Zipato box with firmware 1.3.13.

have added the switch, and i can see its attributes from the web interface. Though i cant get the induvidual buttons to come up in the rule creator.

Do any one have a hint for how my setup should be to get the nice result which Martin is getting?

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