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http switch & sensor

laurent shared this idea 11 years ago
Under Consideration

when we use http relay card, it will be useful that Zipabox send automatically an http command when a http switch device commute from on to off and off to on.

We could do it with rules, but it will be more efficient with an automatic mode.

Except if I don't see how do it, but for exemple, we could add a http sensor binds to http switch, and the http switch reports any change from http (in) and any change from zipabox to http (out). And just by adding 2 http devices. Very efficient. (the best solution will be to use only 1 Http device)

Today I have to define 2 rules to make that function. I have in my home about 40 relays on http board.

So 40 x2 rules = 80 rules just to monitor the relay state.

thank you for help


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