camera ip zipato problem

importhomesas shared this problem 6 years ago


I have the problem that the external zipato cameras are added and changed ip address and I can not see how I can solve this or how I should configure these cameras, it is too annoying to be always configuring them.

You can send me the software of the cameras to update them or tell me where I can download it from.

it is really uncomfortable to be configuring these cameras we need a definitive solution.

Replies (4)


Is this a problem where you have dhcp for these cameras and not static ip? You can fix it by making fixed ip address for the cameras in the router software


hi attila

thanks for your answer I think that if they have dhcp, you can tell me how to place them in a fixed ip address in the router software


Well, you have to do this work yourself. Need to log in to your router and assign static IP addresses to the cameras based on their MAC address.


Thank you attila and I found how to do it hopefully this solves my problem

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