Alarm partition is always not ready

acteck shared this question 6 years ago
Need Answer

I have two alarm partitions for different purposes. They use partly the same devices (zones).

Partition 1 works fine and can be armed quickly by i.e. virtual switch.

Partition 2 is always not ready (zones are not ready), even they showed up in partition 1 as ready.

Do zones only serve for one partition?

Any help wellcome.

Replies (4)


Does no one have an idea?


I guess your problem is not clear to me. Can you please post pictures of your zones configuration?



yes zones in this case will work only in 1 partition.

Best regards


If what Mario says is true, then in this case, create 3 zones, the additional zone can be for the common sensors used in the other 2 zones. Use a rule to trigger this zone on and off via the other zones.

Though this may need you to purchase another licence for an additional security zone. :-( If so, then create virtual sensors that rely on the physical sensor to change state (via rules), and use these virtual sensors in the 2nd security zone.

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