Rs232 or rs484 ?

Glen shared this question 11 years ago

My arduino is controlling my chickenhouse and i would like so send data to/from zipabox over rs232/484, i got the backup module but can i use it for my purpose ?

And ofc how ?

Thx in advance.

Best Answer

ATM the serial port is used for connecting to alarm panels.

We might do a puzzle that sends strings over serial port, like HTTP one, soon.

Do your chicken talk ASCII or binary?

Replies (3)


ATM the serial port is used for connecting to alarm panels.

We might do a puzzle that sends strings over serial port, like HTTP one, soon.

Do your chicken talk ASCII or binary?


Yea ok so ill have to do http request instead, when you say soon is it this year then ?

My Chicken talk HEX right now but are planning to use ASCII soon! :P


is there some information to send sensor data through rs232 instead of http?

My chicken can talk whatever you want it to talk...

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