How to remove Chacon Device

merou shared this question 11 years ago

How to remove Chacon device?

Best Answer

To remove your Chacon device, or any other 433mhz device, you need to:

1) Open the device manager by clicking the "Total devices" label:

ZRuoLIBHgF3Zth1trFpM2) Locate the device you want to delete in the device list3) Right click on the device and then select "Delete"4) Close the device manager and press "Synchronise"5) Refresh the browser page by pressing F5.

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To remove your Chacon device, or any other 433mhz device, you need to:

1) Open the device manager by clicking the "Total devices" label:

ZRuoLIBHgF3Zth1trFpM2) Locate the device you want to delete in the device list3) Right click on the device and then select "Delete"4) Close the device manager and press "Synchronise"5) Refresh the browser page by pressing F5.


Sorry I did not really understand. I see nowhere "Locate the device you want to delete in the device list" and "Right click on the device and then select" Delete "

In my device manager, I see a button "Remove device". When I click this button, a window appears "Would you like to start Z-wave device removal process?"? I said start. A new windows appears "Removing Z-Wave device. Press discovery button on your device. ". Nothing happens


Thanks for your help but what is the purpose of the module "Remove device"


... for zwave devices.

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