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200 Mhz CPU performance limitation? In that case zipato is useless...

Maxim Shaposhnikov shared this problem 12 years ago
Not a Problem


I'm really sorry to say, but I'm not really sure regarding Zipato box performance situation and starting to suspect that 200Mhz is simply not enough.

The story is simple: I switched (from Vera3) a few dozens of devices, including some lights and motion sensors (mostly Aeon Labs), initially (with <10 devices) everything was very fast (i.e. motion detected -> light switched on in 1 second) and I've been really happy, now the delay could be up to 10 (!!!) seconds, which is virtually completely useless.

It is not too much devices (up to 30) and only 5 sensors, but zipato is already extremely slow.

So, the main question is - what is it? Hardware design issue (outdated CPU)? Software which could be fixed?

There are only 15 very basic rules (aka "switch on / off light in case of motion", etc).

I need to understand the situation for an obvious reason - either to return the unit back to Vesternet or to fix the situation.Anyway, the technology is great but in case of limited performance it could be used only for a very small environments.

Replies (10)


Regarding the power of the Zipabox, please consider that Zipabox is the device specially made for this purpose and it is more than enough powerful.

Just for the general info, Z-Wave radio has 40kbps throughput with maximum 1% duty cycle. Various 433Mhz & 868MHz interfaces have even smaller throughput, KNX/TP1 is 19.2kbps on the wire (all half duplex).

Really not much traffic, regardless of the number of devices in the network, and it's very easy to calculate what kind of CPU you need to deal with this demand. So if CPU is the problem with these networks, somebody has programmed something horribly wrong. Hopefully we didn't and everything works same fast with more than 100 device as with 10 devices.

Big configurations do consume some flash and RAM, but we still didn't get to the point where we should consider upgrade of neither Flash nor RAM.

Currently we are upgrading the system and if you are experiancing some preoblems, sorry about this. We will finish very soon, so be free to come back later with the situation on your side.


Hi Sebastian,

Sure I could be wrong and hopefully my issues will be fixed easely.

BTW, thank you very much for the tech. info provided!


Regarding the delays itself - it's not only about today, I started to see them on Thursday but I have no time to discuss them before.


Yes, I know. We have been working on it for the last 10 days. But meanwhile, we moved complete system to the Amazon cloud. We added caching system to increase the overall speed of the cloud and the mobile APP and changed some of the system architecture. Anyway, we are deploying/debugging last few days and I think today we will finish finally.

Again sorry for the inconvenience, but the system will be more reliable and much faster (especially security on mobile apps) now. Also, we will soon add some cool feature to make a small compensation to our customers...;-)


Sebastian, still it is hard to understand what is the relation between local triggers / rules and cloud (which should be used only for a management and remote access) but hopefully we will get more information after the process finished.

Amazon is good (I'm an IT cloud infrastructure architect) but not 100% reliable, but in case the cloud is used only for a Zipato boxes management (like it should be) is it more than enough.

It looks like currently there are some issues with a software as it is heavily relying on the internet / cloud connection even for a scheduled rules / triggers...


Maxim Shaposhnikov wrote:

Sebastian, still it is hard to understand what is the relation between local triggers / rules and cloud (which should be used only for a management and remote access) but hopefully we will get more information after the process finished.

Amazon is good (I'm an IT cloud infrastructure architect) but not 100% reliable, but in case the cloud is used only for a Zipato boxes management (like it should be) is it more than enough.

It looks like currently there are some issues with a software as it is heavily relying on the internet / cloud connection even for a scheduled rules / triggers...

Software on the Zipabox is based on JAVA engine and it is not relying on the cloud at all. If the box is properly synchronized, all the rules and scenes should work without internet connection. At least this is easy to check.

Scheduler is also working on the box.

Security application and Thermostat are also on the box.

If there is any problem with this, let me know as there is a problem with the your box.

Regarding the Amazon, let's give them a chance. After this migration process which we passed during the last 10 days (as we also implemented new caching system to optimize cloud service), we are now ready to migrate very fast and easy.


I'm using Amazon (cloud) for a big company and it works fine. Just take care about partitions that is not persistant.



There is some nice Russian phrase exists:

Doesn't matter how much you'll say "sugar" it is not sweating your mouth.

In case the box is fully independent (which is probably not a true yet as someone else is complains regarding missed schedules), I need to understand why it takes 2-10 seconds to switch on my lights (rarely it work instantly like it should be, 2 seconds is acceptable but average time is 5 and more), using USB-powered aeon multisensors (as well as HomeSeer HSM100) and z-wave Vitrum dimmers (which are working mostly instantly).

CPU is enough? Good. But the performance is the issue currently even with a small (relatively) amount of devices and very small amount of rules.

It could be Java software or whatever...


I am considering purchase of the zipabox, but whether this poor performance still a problem ? Just wondering..


Jussi Vatjus-Anttila wrote:

I am considering purchase of the zipabox, but whether this poor performance still a problem ? Just wondering..
Zipabox never had a poor performance. It is already explained and proven that CPU as strong as necessary. Zipabox can manage thousands of devices and even other zipabox when connected into a cluster.

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