Why does this rule stop before the end?

thomasfr shared this question 10 years ago


I have a question about one of my rules.

For example, in this rule, I want to open my shutters in a certain order, but with conditions

After Volet 1 is set to value 90, if alarm is disarmed, the rule stops and Volet 4/5/6.... are not opened.

I thought the rule would continue but maybe I am wrong. Is it possible to force the rule to continue?


Replies (7)


Complex rule.

I don't know why... i also have these problems sometimes.

Try making separated rules.


I am pretty sure there is an "official" way to bypass this "problem".

I am trying to change these rules by adding a "join" puzzle at the beginning (and will try at other position if it doesn't work), I will keep this post updated if I find a solution.


Check the if condition on the alarm.

I'm not a box owner (actually :P ) but, correct me if wrong, in the if rul I read "IF Alarm

is ARM" not "IF Alarm is DISARM"

So If alarm is active, execute the code.. that is the opposit you expect.. right?

If alarm=arm is the correct way to check (?) try to execute the entire rule without the alarm status check.. in this way you can test if the problem is located in the if rule or somwehre else.

Try to put an email send before the if , sending the alarm status or any other variable you want to check.


It is because, when I am at home (alarm is disarm) I don't want my main shutters to be closed, so I have put this condition.


I managed to continue the rule by using a workaround...

The rules concerned are pretty complex now as you can see, there should be a way to get this result easier.



OMG...ppff, what a rule.

But glad to see it working. Is it also running fast? I also have large rules like this but they run very very slow.


I don't notice any low action...

Finally I asked to support about this feature and it is not possible to force a rule to continue (for the moment).

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