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Problem with thermostats Everspring ST814: Temperature is hidden - Problema con termostati Everspring ST814: La temperatura è nascosta

PIERPAOLO shared this problem 10 years ago

Hi to everybody,

I've a problem with the thermostats Everspreeng ST814 in my control center:

the medium temperature is correctly showed in the climate widget of the control center and in iOS/Android Apps, but the temperature of each single thermostat are not showed in the meters widget in the control center and in the iOS/antdroid Apps.

Does anybody can help me?



Ciao a tutti,

ho un problema con i miei termostati Everspring ST814:

Il widget del controllo del clima mostra correttamente la temperatura media rilevata dai singoli termostati, ma le temperature dei singoli termostati non sono più mostrate né nella sezione misuratori del pannello di controllo, né nella sezione meters delle app iOS e Android.

Qualcuno può aiutarmi?


Replies (2)


open a ticket to support. I got same pb and they fix it.


Tank you, I opened a ticket and the support immediatelly solved the problem.

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