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Zipato Ftp apparently not working for storing camera snapshot other than Zipato camera

Pierre shared this problem 4 years ago

I bought the zipabox few years ago and I managed to store snapshot from a foscam camera. It used the standard zipato FTP without any chance to change it.

I discovered few days ago that the FTP IS not working anymore. Apparently it is now only working with own zipa camera. And it is still not possible to use another FTP. How i am suppose to do ?

Replies (2)



Have you solved that problem?

I noticed today that the is not accessible, so cameras never takes any pics as they can't save...


No: Zipato confirmed that is not possible and did not care at all about this problem. No solution suggested either than buy our camera. It should be pretty simple to allow FTP changes in the parameters to choose another FPT to store the pictures...

I do not recommand anymore zipato product, supposed to be an open plateform and is it not. I do the most bad reputation I can on websites ...

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