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Can the Zipato tablet be used as a local "voice" confirmation device

Marcus Khoo shared this question 10 years ago
Need Answer

Many alarm systems have a voice confirmation capability. If you had an HTTP server in the zipato tablet then you could write a rule that sent an HTTP request to the Zipato tablet which in turn could have a parameter that informs the tablet which mp3 file to play.

This will effectively allow the Zipato tablet to be the "voice" of the zipa-system

My question:

Does the Zipato tablet currently do that task?



Replies (5)


So.. you would be on your way to making a Zipabox version of HAL (2001 a space odyssey if you didn't already know :p )


Or the "Red alert" sound from Star Trek on an alarm. The options are endless..

And why stop at talking AT you. You could talk to it to trigger various events.

You: "HAL"

ZipaHal: "Yes Dave"

You; "Turn down the lights"

ZipaHal: "Certainly Dave, is there anything else you would like me to do?"

You: "No thanks, just the lights"

ZipaHal: "OK Dave"

You: "HAL"

ZiapHal: "Yes Dave"

You: "Thanks"

ZipaHal: "Your welcome Dave"



As we discussed in an other item in the form, its possible to use imperihome as an http server to speek. But it works also the other way. There is an icon to speek to imperihome. I say: turn on studylight and it goes on. The only thing that is missing is coninuesly lisning. So you have to push an icon first before it's lisning


Using imperihome both on wall tablet and on phone/watch but so far there voice handling has been poor comparing to autovoice and tasker. it has really trouble when the command is not exact as it expecting it and the configuration in imperi home regarding voice is none existing.

In beta for imperihome and hoping they are will do improvements on this with time but nothing yet.

Myself preference autovoice and tasker since i can configure the commands as i like it. Also execute several of commands in one line, configure response to both success commands, failed commands or follow up questions.

The interaction abow regarding Hal is fully possible without recording a single mp3 or voice file.

Does not hurt to get it integrated with google now either.

The down side so far is this takes allot of work and configuration. Making it even harder is that only scenes can be executed via tasker to imperihome (so far, they working on this) And to get it working straight to zipabox via http post i either have to link the devices to a virtual sensor to get http address or to use the API

And my knowledge regarding API is limited. (if anyone is using the API and Tasker please contact me or write a great post how to set it up, thanks)

Hoping zipabox is building something like Autovera for vera, or at least open up the app for more integration.

sorry for hijacking your thread, but atleast its voice related


So HAL May bit a little way off without some serious programming.

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