3 control centers?

Leif shared this question 10 years ago

Why is there first one control center when you log in, link to a control center called "old version", then another one referred to as new skin? Neither of them are able to 100% do what they are supposed to...

Replies (5)


All 3 can still be used and are "just" a GUI.

The newest interface is a work in progress and the old is still available since not all is working within the new interface.

The New interface link within the old interface points to the interface that was supposed to be the new but has been replaced by the newest new interface :)

Nevertheless all 3 work but best would be to use newest and if needed the oldest :)


That was the feeling I was getting after a while. Thanks for the explanation!


A pretty way to say that we are still beta testers!


This is what happens if you are an early adopter. Most Zipabox users are "geeks" and like to play with technology and work together on a forum to make the product even better. Just look how often new devices are brought in the market and requests are being made by the users to make them work in the system. After a while the product will be more stable and the the non geek people will be the ones being these products.


A happy Beta tester (most of the time :) )


Hi Slashroot,

Most people here are using the Zipabox for more than 2 years. I am not sure we can still be called "early adopters".

About the word "geeks", it would make sense if we were able to make the system to fit our needs. Obviously today we are using a cloud based software and it is impossible to modify or customize things.

  • We cannot write directly our own scripts (with javascript, LUA...)
  • We cannot debug easily the system, if something does not work then just sit and pray
  • Something works one day and does not work anymore the other day, and there is nothing you can do about that because there is no announcement, no explanation, no bug tracker

In the zipato.com homepage (I am sure you are checking often since you seem to be big fan), there is no mention of "geek product" or "become a happy beta tester". It is a domotic box and its first mission is to be reliable which is not the case today since it is advertised to be used for security and healthcare.

I am glad that you are a happy beta tester but I would prefer to be a happy user :)


If you think "users" are:

We cannot write directly our own scripts (with javascript, LUA...)

We cannot debug easily the system, if something does not work then just sit and pray

than probably we don't consider users in the same way:-(

As for the:

"Something works one day and does not work anymore the other day, and there is nothing you can do about that because there is no announcement, no explanation, no bug tracker"

We have our support for users available at: support@zipato.com, so please let us know which problem do you have like this.



Hi Sebastian,

Sorry if you misunderstood my last reply. I was mentioning what we should be able to do if the Zipabox was a box for "geeks". It is indeed a box for everybody that is why I did not understand why this argument was brought up by slashroot.

About things that did not (and still not) work, there are a lot in the problem section. For example, impossible to modify the wake-up time interval for devices with battery in the new UI. It is flagged as "known" but no explanation, no resolution date, no answer.

The other issue is that when bugs are corrected, we have no news, no reply. We have to check by ourselves everyday : "Oh today it is working, great !". When there is a bug, there is no news either so we have to check whether it is a problem from the device, the battery or Zipabox.

Sebastian, I know you are doing a great job and working as much as you can but there are still a lot to do.


Hi Nicolas,

thank you for the feedback. Certainly there is lot more to do, but there will always be a lot more to do with this type of the system.

Aside of system issues which we are constantly working on, we have a hard time to manage all answers on the community right on time. This is why many times you can find some problems as "known", even so they are fixed already. But if it is some significant issue, please open the support ticket, as these will be treated in more professional manner.

We were working hard last year to rebuild the system and user interfaces, we are much faster in "cleaning" now, so I hope there won't be many issues like this in the near future.

Anyway, thank you for your patience so far, it is highly appreciated.



The reason i used therm Geeks is that Domotica is still kinda technical. I guess you can't just give an average neighbour a Zipabox and expect them to get it done in a easy fashion. If you look at Philips Hue for example which is limited you could give that to your average neighbour.

Still much is to be fixed and it does not matter if you choose for other brands, it's all a bit to technical for most people and quite often technical skills are needed to solve issues when starting to use rules.

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