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Fibaro FGD211 dimmer inclusion fails

HvB83 shared this problem 12 years ago
Not a Problem

I'm trying to include my Fibaro FGD211 dimmer on the Zipabox. As there is no specific profile for this device, in "module type" I simply select "generic z-wave" followed by the "join" button.

The counter starts moving and I press the button on the (monostable) switch three times, but apart from the light turning on, nothing happens inside my Zipabox. The counter still keeps counting down, as if nothing happens.

I've placed the box and the dimmer within 20cm of each other, so that can't be the problem. I've tried resetting the (new) dimmer, but that didn't solve anything either.

What could I be doing wrong here?

Replies (10)


Hello, I'm using the same dimmer and it works. Instead of using the button that you plug on it, try to use the small button on the module (3 times), you will need a small thing. Or launch the synchronize and then plug your dimmer on electricity.


I wasn't doubting the compatibility really, since nobody else was complaining, but I knew I was doing something wrong. Either in the device selection or in the sequence or whatever.

Turns out I wasn't pushing the switch fast enough. Since I have it hanging loose without a button on the actual switch, it's very hard to operate it fast enough (while at the same time trying not to be electrocuted ;)). Using the B-button on the dimmer (and pushing it quite fast) it does work however.


I've also same problem, cannot include Fibaro dimmer to Zipabox. Maybe I've not tried pushing button fast enough. Lets try again..


no, I cannot include Fibaro FGD211v4 anymore. Previously it was included to AEON usb stick. I've tried to reset and triple click B button several times without success :/ .


I tried that method also. It looks that something might happen in backend because "add new device" -window (in zipato web page) freeze little while every time I've tried to inclusion.. Is there any logs which I could check?


Same for me! Nothing appends when 3 times push on B button...

I've tried the reset method. and then 3 times push inclusion.

"Join not successful.

Timeout in state:ADD_NODE"

(FGD211 V2.2 / Zipabox 0.9.999)


Can you turn it off manually?

Also make sure the device is close to the box.


No I can't turn it off manually.? Does it mean something bad? :/

And yes I'm very close from the zipabox

I've tried with 2 devices (10cm close and 7meter)

Thanks for help!


No idea? Someone success?

always the same for me, after dozen of tests!! :)

thanks by advance!


I get it work finally. Problem was that there was VERY short time period (less than second) after power up when reset need to be done. When I holding button B directly after power up it worked fine. I think the led also blinked when reset was ready. Inclusion worked fine after that.

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