Why service in currently unavailable ? Thombox/Zipabox1

Luc EDEL shared this problem 19 months ago

Why service ZIPATO in currently unavailable since 31/03/2023 ?

Best Answer

I twitted zipato to know if dead or alive: no reply.

I wrote to the main zipato mail address: no reply

Community filled by spam.

Services slowly turn dead.

As I can understand, if no reply from them will come, zipato is dead.

I already told to zipato (3 or 4yrs ago ) that their approach to customers was wrong and would only lead to business failure in few years. That's it.

To be precise, many years ago they declared on the community that in case of business failure the sources would be made available to the public...

Replies (17)



the ALARM service has been unavailable for 3 days. On the mobile application you can neither activate nor deactivate it. He is in perpetual care



Please use mobile APP for any kind of operation regarding the system.

Only advanced rule creator should be done on the web site.



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To the attention of Philippe VILLAIN.

Ok, thanks for the info because the ALARM service has been unavailable for 3 days on the mobile application. But when will the service be available again?

Kind regards.




To the attention of Philippe VILLAIN.

Ok, thanks for the info because the ALARM service has been unavailable for 3 days on the mobile application. But when will the service be available again?

Kind regards.




No possibility to activate the alarm from the ZIPATO mobile application. But possibility to do it with a laptop running Windows under https://my.zipato.com/zipato-web.

Kind regards.



Ehi Zipato, if you are here give us signs of life.

Days with service "temporary" unavailable without a single message to the users.. Nothing new with you, right?

As you know many things cannot be done in the app and access to web site is mandatory.

Do you think to re-enable the service or is the latest move to close a service without any notice to users?

Obviously having the community filled of spam posts it's not a good sign.


Even today the Security service is not available. ZIPATO there is someone?your assistance is non-existent. It's almost time to change the system


Same Here, Ticket opened, not work in the wed site too


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Zipato is dead ...


Why did ZIPATO die? No response for several days to tickets opened on the site.

No acknowledgment of receipt or consideration.

We do not joke about home security with providers like ZIPATO who do not respect its customers!

You can't stay on a remote monitoring system without any maintenance! Even Zipato's site for support is spammed.

Who assures you that in case of burglary, Zipato will warn you on your mobile? No !!! warranty

So, I'm going to put the whole zipato set of the dump soon.

I just bought a different brand alarm system.

Finished ZIPATO!


Pourquoi ZIPATO est mort ? Aucune réponse depuis plusieurs jours aux tickets ouverts sur le site.

Aucun accusé de réception ni de prise en compte.

On ne plaisante pas sur la sécurité du domicile avec des prestataires comme ZIPATO qui ne respectent pas ses clients !

On ne peut pas rester sur un système de télésurveillance sans aucune maintenance ! Même le site de Zipato pour l'assistance est spammé.

Qui vous assure qu'en cas de cambriolage, Zipato va vous prévenir sur votre mobile ? Aucune garantie !!!

Donc, je vais mettre prochainement à la déchetterie tout l'ensemble ZIPATO.

Je viens d'acheter un système d'alarme de marque différente.

Terminé ZIPATO !


Je suis exactement du même avis ! le système est très instable et aujourd'hui, il est même impossible d'ouvrir le créateur de règles ! Aucune réponse aux tickets. La zipatile est belle; mais fonctionne très mal. Je vais également changer de système car celui ci est tout simplement insupportable !


I twitted zipato to know if dead or alive: no reply.

I wrote to the main zipato mail address: no reply

Community filled by spam.

Services slowly turn dead.

As I can understand, if no reply from them will come, zipato is dead.

I already told to zipato (3 or 4yrs ago ) that their approach to customers was wrong and would only lead to business failure in few years. That's it.

To be precise, many years ago they declared on the community that in case of business failure the sources would be made available to the public...



We informed everyone more than a year ago that V2 platform is no longer supported.

The recommendation is to migrate to v3 platform (only Zipabox1/Thombox can't be migrated) .

Zipato V2 platform - End of Support Life | Zipato support center



Hello Adriano,

the main problem is that I'm not able to find avalaible zipabox2 or zipamicro around the internet...

Do you give me a suggestion me where find a unit for v3?

thanks again Daniele


Very Happy to hear You :-)

I read on the news : 1. Zipato V2 will !!!CONTINUE TO WORK!!! as it did so far although there will be no upgrades or support for it. At one point V2 will be shut down due to its obsolescence but you will be notified.The recommendation is to transfer your systems to V3.

When the V2 will be shutted down? Just to program the upgrade.

I know that the the V2 is no longer supported, but if continue to work I think that the service should be up...

Thanks Daniele


There is no info yet about a complete shutdown since there are still many users on V2.

The recommendation is to migrate to v3 asap since v2 is not being upgraded or maintained.

Please carefully read the instructions.



Please put things in order on the site

not nice to come

Too much spam


I have a zipabox v1 that CAN'T be migrated on v3 (and do not expect I'll buy new hardware from you).

When I bought the zipabox no one wrote me "oh, remember that your box will die a day, because the cloud will be turned off".

I can accept that a Service will stop to evolve, it's ok, but I can't accept that you arbitrary decide to stop it, turning the controller to crap, especially when many users are still on that service.

And again I can't accept a voluntarily function disabling(alarm), having the target of stimulating users to migrate or abandon the platform and let you to shutdown without too much rumors (I'm wrong?)

You always shown how you treat your customers, in term of news, in terms on malfunctions alerts, in terms of Eta's, and I can continue.

Oh. a community filled of spam messages like this is the mirror of what I stated:simply you are not interested about what users think.

Only a mad (or brave) customer could think to upgrade from v1 to v2 boxes and pass again through all of above.

Oh. I already prepared all to leave zipato, but stay sure, my box will stay connected until the last day of cloud's life.



I really do not like responding to hate posts like yours but I have to explain few things since you are misleading anybody who might be reading this.

First, I have no idea if you are a user of Zipato platform or just abusing this forum (not sure whats the point of using fake emails if you are a user, so basically this post can be considered as a spam like any other).

As a second thing, we have announced that V2 is not going to be supported more than a year ago, keep in mind that V3 platform is alive since 2019.

Additional context: if we are not supporting it means nobody is maintaining it so any error you might experience there will for sure not be handled quickly.

Every IOT company has similar life cycles of products and evolving platforms.

Also, we offered 50% discount for zipabox2/Zipatile2, for customers willing to exchange their zipabox1 for zipabox2 or Zipatile1 for Zipatile2.

If that's not a proof that we care about our customers not sure what is. (and no, this is not gaining us any extra profit).

Bear in mind that last Zipabox1 came out of factory approx. 5 years ago so its definitely an obsolete product these days with new technologies inside Zipato v3 platform and native controllers utilizing it.

This forum is open for discussion in a decent manner, if you keep going writing hate Posts which don't help anyone you will be banned.




Adriano I'm not an hater. I'm a Zipato user with my v1 since the v1 firmware was in beta, since the whole system was in beta annd zipato start to sell a product that in fact was In a beta stage. We helped (first time customers) your system to turn in a better product. So I think what I'm talking about, with facts, not theories.

Since 2014 to be more precise. 9yrs ago. 9yrs where I helped your customers in community (and out) , I got helped, I helped zipato testing solution for all.

And just to explain my email (it's curious that you point the finger to my fake mail, and talk about abusing community, while there are pages and pages of spam posts in the community) some years ago I got banned with my real email because a divergence of opinions with the zipato's ceo: totally politely by me (probably I still have screenshot, as a proof), but Sebastian choose to ban me. This caused to me the impossibility to open support ticket (good move, think you?) and I was forced to subscribe again with a fake mail. This just to be totally transparent.

And again zipato threat me about a ban just for opinions (dust under the carpet style), while people wrote anything in this community without any moderation. 🤷

As I previously said, I totally accept that an old product like zipabox v1 stop to evolve a day, *it's ok*, but if the line of products and/or zipato stay alive I can't accept that it will stop to work (because no one wrote this anywhere at a bought time). As what I think, Offering a trade-in it's good, sure, but it's not a customare care proof, it's more a retention campaign ( because stopping a service like this could have exposed the company to legal actions, at the time).

You want to know what I can consider a possibile customer oriented approach? A last firmware release that enable a total local, and local only, control of the box with a way to manage and work with rules (that today is possibile only online). So no more a cost for your, not a useless device for users. Total win for all.

And as I said since long time ago, your (zipato) approach to customers it's totally bad (I work in customer support area since 20yrs, so I know what I'm talking about). This is the first sign of life from zipato in months, and I say thank you, in months. When something happens, the user must know what is happening (and not after, when a is solved). Communication is important and zipato lacks this since the beginning.

Oh, I got no reply to my email sent to hello@zipato.com where I ask for zipato situation, if dead or alive (not support). And no reply to my tweet too.

Anyway, as I said my box will stay alive until the last day. And I'll continue to help users with v1 when possibile, like I ever done (also and more out of community), if you don't decide to ban me again for opinions in a public community. If you decide to ban me, I'll get over it.. I will survive 🤷

I hope I better explained.



Good evening, if I can express an opinion, the special offer to replace the box was good on an economic level but not practical.

Since it was impossible to transfer the devices from zipabox1 to 2, having to send the old one back was really inconvenient as the only possibility of not disassembling the entire house is to use zipabox 1 as a slave.

Right now it's impossible to find zipabox2 or zipamicro around to use them as masters, so we're in a stall situation. To explain myself better... homey made a hardware update with a discount on the new one, but with the possibility of migrating the devices and leaving the old one.

Thanks again Daniele

I'm a Zipato user with my v1 since the v1 firmware was in beta, since the whole system was in beta annd zipato start to sell a product that in fact was In a beta stage. We helped (first time customers) your system to turn in a better product. So I think what I'm talking about, with facts, not theories. this is the same for me...



You do not have to send old zipabox1 to us, we will just flag it as unsupported but you can use it as a slave if you wish (for this you will need multiserver licence).

Best regards



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