Using "old" Zipabox Hardware for other projects?

Phil shared this question 7 months ago
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Since the end of Zipato's V2 cloud platform has been announced, I wonder if it is not possible to use the hardware, which often still works perfectly, for other projects or applications.

According to the data sheet, the box uses Linux, so shouldn't it be possible to run Home Assis tant on it instead of Zipato's firmware, for example?

Replies (5)


Similar to my question. Let me know if you start working on something.


Hey community! 👋 I've been pondering the recent announcement about the end of Zipato's V2 cloud platform, and it got me thinking - could we repurpose the still-functional hardware for other exciting projects?

Taking a peek at the data sheet, it's great to see that the Zipato V2 box runs on Linux. Now, considering the versatility of Linux, has anyone explored the possibility of installing Home Assistant on it instead of Zipato's firmware?

Home Assistant is known for its flexibility and wide range of compatible devices. Utilizing the existing hardware for a new smart home hub could be a fantastic way to breathe new life into these devices and keep them running smoothly.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Has anyone attempted such a transformation, or do you have insights into the compatibility and feasibility of this idea? Let's pool our knowledge and explore the potential of giving our trusty Zipato V2 devices a second life! 🌐💡


3 days ago I used this transformation on please check it and give your reviews.


A very comprehensive website, thank you for providing it to us.

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It’s a great idea to repurpose functional hardware for new applications, especially to extend its lifespan and reduce waste. Since the Zipabox runs on Linux, it should theoretically be possible Official Site to run other Linux-based home automation software like Home Assistant on it. However, this would likely require some technical skills such as flashing new firmware, setting up the environment, and possibly dealing with driver compatibility issues.


It's definitely possible to repurpose "old" Zipabox hardware for other projects or applications. Since the box uses Linux, it can potentially be used for running other software, such as Home Assistant, instead of Zipato's firmware.

Repurposing the hardware can extend its useful life and allow you to explore new possibilities and functionalities. Whether you want to use it for home automation, DIY projects, or any other application, the hardware can still be valuable and functional.

If you're interested in exploring how to repurpose your Zipabox hardware, you can find more information and resources on 챗봇 GPT .There are communities and forums where users share their experiences and ideas for repurposing old hardware.


Absolutely! Repurposing hardware from the Zipato V2 cloud platform for other projects or applications is definitely worth exploring. Since the box runs on Linux, there's potential to leverage it for running Home Assistant or other compatible firmware. It's a smart way to extend the life of perfectly functional hardware and explore new possibilities. For more insights and discussions on DIY projects and smart home solutions, check out 챗GPT. You'll find a wealth of information and community support to help you make the most of your hardware.

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