api config thermostaat

Marius de Jong shared this idea 9 years ago
Under Consideration

I got a value I need to change. I think I need to do it in the API but I don't now how. it the hysteresis setting it 0.5 it needs to be 0.0

Replies (13)


Thank you Marius, for reminding me of the API! I have complained several times about the lack of hysteresis config, but I never remembered the API.

You should copy the entire output of the JSON in the GET (the hys.png) and paste it onto the p_config box. Ajust the hysteresis parameter to your desired value. I set mine to 0.2 degrees, and it worked fine. I'm not sure about 0.0 though, but you could try it ;)


Hmm, when I PUT the new values, I get a HTTP 200 and the output indicates that hysteresis have changed value. This is great. But when I check with the GET (configuration), the 0.5 hysteresis is still there. Not so great!

It seems that you still have to buy a subscription package to have hysteresis control.


This is strange. I have hysteresis as null. Try it with value null. I'm not sure if this is good or bad...


Attila, is it a thermostat or a thermostat pro?


it is a pro


I think I changed the setting to 0 in the API . Let see if it works over the next days


Out of curiosity, why would you like to use 0? Will the heater not turn on/off all the time?

I use a Oregon 433 Mhz temperature sensor that reports quite often, with 1 tenth of a degree C precision.


Yes! it actually seems to work. Yesterday, when I checked the value after setting it with the API PUT, it was back to 0.5 Today it shows 0.2! There must have been some server side cache/lag issue, as yesterday I checked with a different browsers as well, to be certain that it was no browser cache issue.

The nights are now below 0 degrees C here in Norway, so this was perfect timing :)


So what does it mean for me_ I dont have hysteresis? Is it same as 0?


Attila, I don't know what it means for you. I am currently monitoring my setup to see if rhe thermostat actually uses the hysteresis parameter at all. If it does, you can change it with the API functions (see the screen shots provided by Marius D.)


So what does it mean for me? I dont have hysteresis (it says null)? Is it same as 0?


Now I managed to chage it. I set it for 0,5 . I still need to understand whether in my current setup I need hysteresys or not. Currently I§m using the remotex (boxed as Zipato) IR controller for thermostat purpose. downside is that it only measures by 1C increments. As to the heating system I have UFH water with heat pump and it takes even hours to heat up by 1 degree - obviously for my home the temperature should be even everywhere and not fluctuate too much (low energy nearly pasive house). Next week I§m getting Nest thermostat and surely that will solve any unceartainity.


Attila, with the IR blaster, do you turn heat on and off, or do you set heat values?

My setup is like this: I have to virtual thermostat pros, one for the living room and one for the kitchen.

I use a thermometer (Oregon THGN132, really good, btw) which reports in 1/10 centigrades resolution, in each room and a Fibaro wall plug in each room. My wall mounted heaters are connected to the Fibaros. I preset the thermostats on my heaters to 27 degrees, so that they will never turn off "locally" (it can be hot around the heaters).

If your IR blaster does the same (just turns heating on and off), I think you would need hysteresis set to more than 0. Otherwise, your heating will be constantly turned on and off. But, since your temp probe only reports with 1 degree resolution, this will work as a hysteresis mechanism itself.

Not a good explaination, but I hope you understand :)


Hi Marius,

Thanks for the explanation. I have understood your idea and thought the same, however as you know due to Zipato being a buggy system, sometimes the schedules and heting seemed to me not working...

I use the IR extender only as thermometer for measuring the air temperature. I have vitrual thermostat pro set up and programmed for a weekly schedule (different on the weekdays and on the weekends). I have a micro module single, which is switching the small pump, that circulates the water between the accumulation heat tank and the UFH pipes. My heat tank is 350L as I have solar for hot water and heat pump in my house.

As you can imagine because the IR extender only measures by 1 degree steps, if I set up the schedule for 22.5, it should turn off at 23 and turn off at 22, however it happened to me that even if it was measured as 22 it was still not turned on (at that time my hysteresis was "null". The reason why I want the nest thermostat, is that it will replace the IR as thermometer and also the single switch so I can use these products elsewhere...and obviously the Nest thermostat will be also independent from the Zipato system so the bugs will not affect it. I'm not sure if Im willing to pay 60 Euros to be able to use Nest with Zipato as I'm testing the whole system anyway. I have a small shop and this is why I can test different hardware. Next system on the line will be NETIChome...and I have big expectations from it...


But I share your idea. For me the IR extender due to the 1degree steps is like a hysteresis itself...

And for me it matters a lot less if I have the heating on or off (or switching on and off often) than for you due to the different systems we have. I have a 105sm bungalow and currently I'm paying 82 Euros for the whole electricity (including heating) and I dont have gas. If I would have a system like yours, it would definitely matter a lot more as the consumption could be a lot higher on a monthly basis thus I would probably pay something like 120-150 Euros...

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