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Configuration failed directly when trying to add 433 device
I have encountered an major problem
When I try to add som NEXA LMDT-609 devices my Zipato has gotten some error.
As soon as I press the device and synchronizing starts it take 1-2 seconds and I get the attached error.
I have tried to reboot the box but without any luck,
What to do?
Access denied
No connection
Real-time notifications may not work
Just turn off/plug out the power and try again.
Just turn off/plug out the power and try again.
I Have same problem with all Nexa produkts. Followed the instruktion film but my unit does not respond like the movie.
If I Use the older program it works better, I got the Icon but i can not get any switch in the icon or slide on the dimmer funktions.
I think my transmitters like LWST-605 does not work. No graf on it.
I Have tested following units with no result.
EVCR-2300 EYCR-201 LWST-605 WT-2 WMR-252 LMDR-609
I think NO 433 Mhz unit Work. I have 3 Z- wave unit and the works.
Also have problem with temperature sensors Oregon THGN 123N
If any programmer on Zipato reads this. Help us now / Anders Norberg in Sweden
I Have same problem with all Nexa produkts. Followed the instruktion film but my unit does not respond like the movie.
If I Use the older program it works better, I got the Icon but i can not get any switch in the icon or slide on the dimmer funktions.
I think my transmitters like LWST-605 does not work. No graf on it.
I Have tested following units with no result.
EVCR-2300 EYCR-201 LWST-605 WT-2 WMR-252 LMDR-609
I think NO 433 Mhz unit Work. I have 3 Z- wave unit and the works.
Also have problem with temperature sensors Oregon THGN 123N
If any programmer on Zipato reads this. Help us now / Anders Norberg in Sweden
I have tried to add Nexa PBR-2300 wall plug. I have latest firmware 8k. When it counts down it says it found device but it doesn´t do that for real. How can it found a device where it is one way communication and a wall plug is just a reciever. And how I know it haven´t found it is because of I don´t hear any clicks in the wall plug. Some times it says it found it directly when it starts to count down.
Before upgrade I tried with firmware 8e. Then it says it didn´t found any device but in reality it was found because I heard the clicks but it wasn´t working in the app.
I have tried to add Nexa PBR-2300 wall plug. I have latest firmware 8k. When it counts down it says it found device but it doesn´t do that for real. How can it found a device where it is one way communication and a wall plug is just a reciever. And how I know it haven´t found it is because of I don´t hear any clicks in the wall plug. Some times it says it found it directly when it starts to count down.
Before upgrade I tried with firmware 8e. Then it says it didn´t found any device but in reality it was found because I heard the clicks but it wasn´t working in the app.
Works fine with learning to my Telstick so the unit works fine.
The icon is NOt complete Slider is missing. If i click on the icon nothing happens.
Works fine with learning to my Telstick so the unit works fine.
The icon is NOt complete Slider is missing. If i click on the icon nothing happens.
Works fine with learning to my Telstick so the unit works fine.
The icon is NOt complete Slider is missing. If i click on the icon nothing happens.
Works fine with learning to my Telstick so the unit works fine.
The icon is NOt complete Slider is missing. If i click on the icon nothing happens.
I can not get any higher Firmware .8a when i tried Beta it does not change verson.
I can not get any higher Firmware .8a when i tried Beta it does not change verson.
I do so. Thanks
I do so. Thanks
Problem is solved.
Restored to factory default. Upgraded Firmvare to .8K
Took away the SerialModule then all other Modules showed upp.
Problem is solved.
Restored to factory default. Upgraded Firmvare to .8K
Took away the SerialModule then all other Modules showed upp.
.8K has bugs in it, so I'll stay on .8A.
.8K has bugs in it, so I'll stay on .8A.
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