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Thermostat Question (HRT4-ZW)

David shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer


I have a virtual thermostat set up working with a Hortsmann HRT4-ZW. everything works fine apart from one thing. If I manually change the set point temperature on the thermostat the zipabox overrides this and sets it to the set point of the schedule.

Is there a way to make it that if I manually change the set point on the thermostat it will use this set point for the rest of the scheduled period (I.e. If I manually change the set point on the thermostat the virtual thermostat will 'hold period' at this set point before reverting back to the schedule at the next period)?



Replies (9)


did you use the "hold until" program?(android or "until next" in IOS app)


Yes, I am able to do it through the app. However, I wanted a default option so that if someone was visiting or didn't have access to the app they could give the heating a 'boost' if you will.


Direct change on the thermostat itself makes sense to change the heating to "Until next" program change. Danfoss for example supports this function even further where you are able to set on top of the temperature the time period. Not sure if this is possible with Hortsmann.


Hello David,

I think it's an issue with your climate configuration.

Could you please provide a screenshot of climate configuration, especially the devices tab


Hi Christophe,

Please see the picture attached for the climate configuration. Basically, I have the Horstmann Thermostat set as output, input and the thermometer. I have joined the boiler receiver directly with the Thermostat.

Let me know if you need any other info. Thanks.


I have the same thermostat, with the same configuration, but I always use the android app to modify the setting point.

I just tried and I have the same result as you : the manual setting is overwrite by the climate configuration


This is normal. The manual setting shoud do a temp change. Btw the output should be the actuator.


I've got the actuator paired directly with the thermostat so that in the event that the zipbox goes offline then I can still operate the heating.

Sorry I don't know what you mean by"a manual setting should do a temp change". I can control it fine through the app but I was looking to have it so that if I changed the dial on the thermostat this automatically changed the virtual thermostat to the "until next period" setting with the relevant value as displayed on the wall thermostat. However, the way it operates in reality is the zipabox over-rides any manual changes on the wall thermostat with the value as dictated by the programme.


This is possible as you have selected the output to be the thermostat and not the actuator. What it does is that you set a new temperature on the dial. It goes to virtual thermostat. This then sends back the same information to the thermostat. Now immediately when the next program change happens it sends this to the thermostat and your manual change on the dialler is overwritten right after the thermostat wakes up.

This is why I said, remove the thermostat as output and add the actuator as output.

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