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In case somebody is looking for DIY inspiration

Alberto Macias shared this idea 7 years ago
Under Consideration

Hello community,

I have lately spending my free time on developing a few interfaces using Arduino to communicate with Zipato. I know, Raspberry Pi would be "easier" but I think it is too expensive for what I want to achieve.

While I get my Z-Uno (arduino with Z-wave chip), I have been playing with with my YUN and UNO + Xbee SB6 Wifi shield, and while looking for references I found this YouTube Channel and web pages, this guy is a master in electronics and he has built is home automation system entirely using OpenHab and POE arduinos, if someone is looking for some DYI inspiration and reference take a look below, he not just sells the boards and electronics but he shares the electronic and PCB design in case you want to build your own. He got to the extreme of self-implanting an RF-ID device on his arm in order to use his arm in his home automation system

I think is well worth to share;

Replies (4)


rfid implant, check out this hardcore aussie how did this for one of our Zipato readers. I love the commitment.

Thanks for the indo Alberto, there are lots of things you can do with arduino if you have the time. They are an amazing product with lots of support.


Well I think I'm going to pass with the RFID implant, I hate needles so... I guess I will wait until facial recognition or something like that... LOL. Thanks for sharing.

Yes indee, I did get some inspiration, currently working on my first interface with a YUN to Zipato, making progress.


great let us know how it goes and post some pics along the way.

Can I ask why you use freetronics for you wares, they are Australian based, not anything local to you


I will, I shared my first working function for POSTING to Zipato below;

Oh no, not using them, I stumbled across their videos while looking for some references and then just couldn't stop watching them and I thought it would be nice to share. Right now I'm struggling to find the HW I need, usually I buy everything in USA and then bring it back.

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