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Android 4.0 App request!

Jacob Wiqvist shared this question 8 years ago
Need Answer

Any plans for smaller elements, as an option? So you could see 6-8 devices in one screen?

Best regards Jacob Wiqvist

Replies (5)


I add a request to make percentage controls usable as before. With new UI, setting dimmer intensity or shutter level is a pain!

It's also very difficult look at devices with maby values (like virtual meters).


I was asked to remove my post and I did that right away.

But an answer was hard to get!


Well Jacob, I was just reading the other post that is now locked for entry. What a topic. Both parties have some things that is true. You have good ideas that I like. And I'm surely not on my own. On the other hand i can imagine that you can chase these guys so much, that they just cant handle it any longer and then things start to go to a wrong direction.

Muriel is a good guy. He still needs some customer serving experience, but overall he is ok. he is doing his job and he is not the sole decision maker in Zipato, so cannot be blamed if he "does not listed to your ideas"...Filip is another sample of a person who was a good decision for Zipato.

Overall Im sure that the iOS app will look similar to Android app (why would this be different?).

And overall I'm hope that the finally existing Android 4.0 app now can be tweaked with different elements and that some of these will be based on your idea. It is enough just to say that I have a white Zipatile and there is a black App in it...

Fingers crossed, you (and also the others) have provided plenty of things for Zipato to consider and now they can pick and chose which one to implement in the next version. Continuous improvement is what we now expect from them.

Yesterday when I installed the new app for my partner, I had to delete the old app as I also had an update error. I was shocked that the old app was like 48MB and the new only 15MB. What a difference...Imagine how much more they can now implement to make this 15MB to 30MB over the next versions...


  1. Overall Im sure that the iOS app will look similar to Android app (why would this be different?).

Our main goal with new apps was to have a solid foundation that we can build and iterate on for years to come because current apps were getting hard to maintain. Design is an ongoing process that is about much more than how apps look and it's only gonna get better over time. That said, new iOS app was started much later than the new Android app and won't be "done" for a few more weeks-months, so it should be ahead design-wise at launch. And we won't stop at that release, we'll be releasing updates as often as we have something to release, which I think as you all recently noticed could be quite frequently ;)


I am shore they are good guys and I am to, even that my tone on the net not always sound that nice. I was very hurt by flips words. But in the long run that does not matter. The only thing that matter is the end results and usability, stability, and so on.

I can understand that I can be very demanding from time to time. But this is something that everyone except maybe the one that have to deal with the demand will benefit from. And if people like me not react very strongly about some things it just continues.

Some guys maybe just sell there controller, and go for something els, but I fight for Zipato to be the best in the world. But at som point I will just give upp if there is to much friction. At this moment there are no alternatives for me. But within one year there will be att least three. And when that day come I hope that Zipato is better then those 3.

I am sorry for posting things like this!


Jacob, you have the right to be angry. You are the customer. They cannot respond angry or offended as they depend on customers. They need to be always polite. Sometimes this is not the case and they take some of the angry customers words personal, hence the topic heats up. I even saw Sebastian in this situation. Noone is perfect.

Now that Zipabox is not the main controller (obviously), things should pace up in terms of development. Bugs are less with Zipatile and this should free up the guys to do new things. In an ideal world they should have 20-30 new major features every year (once in a month at least) so for customers it will pay off to pay for 99 euro upgrade once a year...

I personally would throw out the 433MHz module and start to support RFXTRX or what it is called. Or just leave the 433MHz as it is and focus on new technologies, audio video integration, and areas where they are behind...


My only mistake is I keep replying to Jacob after all the crap he felt entitled to give me personally via email. I'm sorry you had to see that publicly. Can we now please stop going off topic all over the place? Thanks.


Hi Filip, there is no reason for you to be sorry for. I'm a businessman and Jacob is an end user.

Thumbs up for the new iOS development. I have at least 2 people, who I will install the system in the next 3 months and they are using iOS.


Jacob. There is a time to stop. I followed your suggestions at the beta Group long time ago and some of your ideas were good. I guess Zipato appreciate your feedback but it is their decision what to do with the feedback.

I also would love that everything would be done that way I want it but it is not possible at all.


Filip you should really think of what signals you send to a customer that try to help when you send emails.

I have thought long and hard if I should, or should not add anything to the discussion. The best thing is probably is to not say anything. But I don't like when someone say that I gave him a lot of crap. In my opinion I was very polite from the beginning. But in the sixth email I went back and red the answers from him and all of a sudden felt very mistreated and angry.

I don't agree with Filip about me giving him "all the crap" by email. It was 9 emails from me and 3 from Filip.

Someone on this forum that I talked to, about the answers I received and asked if I understood wrong, what Filip answered me, he said no, you did not understand wrong.

If Filip say as last words on the forum that I gave him "all the crap". I just have to respond.

And yes Christoph Krieger you are also right it is time to stop.

But if the new app has something I think should be improved you can be sure of that I will at least consider writing about that.

I hope this is over and that we can move forward. That filip will answer if I ask a concrete question that he is in control over. I will try to not ask to much.

Last but not least. I love the fast development of the iOS app/s and for that I really want to say thank you to Filip.

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