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Anybody had a SIP Server just dissappear form a Zipatile?

Adrian Van Der Heijden shared this problem 7 years ago

After having a SIP server set up on a cluster with a 2N intercom, all has been working for weeks. Now client just called and says Ziatiles are not ringing, so I check online in the Control Centre, and the SIP server is just gone!!!!

How does a SIP server just delete itself?

Anybody ever had this issue before?

Replies (5)


No but i dont even dare trying SIP. For me the doorbird user login details disappear for no reason. Definitely zipato should fix it


There is no SIP server anymore, constant loop to reconnect and fails


Yes Adrian, my client is having this issue. It just wont connect again. We have to go to site again and try and fix it. The first and last time we will be using Zipato SIP.

Attila, I now use the latest Doorbird app as it has local connection mode only option. I remove the Doorbird app from Zipatile, and use apk extractor to get the latest Doobird app version from my phone, then install it on the Zipatile.

I still need to subscribe to the Doorbird notification service for the BellPress, as I need it to ring the Zipatile, or use a Doorbird Chime which is better.


Got it back again but still never used it, does anyone know or seen any documentation on it? Seems to have different types of contacts but not clear the difference or operation between them.

I’ve managed to get my DoorBird to connect it seems to the sip service gives a 200 at least but alas nothing between the two units . Still reliant on the notification api at the moment. Real shame


Latest DoorBird firmware brings support for asterisk so maybe there’s a way now? @zipatile guys?


yes this should help with the Zipato SIP, though to be honest the Zipato SIP just isn't stable enough.

To connect 2 Zipatiles together have you followed the tutorial? I have had no problem getting them connected together and communicating, it just isn't stable enough and the SIP server constantly disconnects and goes offline. The problem is that then the Zipatiles wont call each other until you open the intercom app again and they discover themselves.

If you want a better Doorbird experience, just download the latest Doorbird apk (not from Zipatos app repo as this is way outdated) and install it. It has a local option now, so the Doorbirds connect to the app locally without the need of Internet connection. They dont call the app though (yet) so you will still need to subscribe to the Doorbird bell pressed notification service to ring the Zipatile. I have asked Doorbird to change the call option for Tablets not running Google Play services so it should call the app directly, hopefully it should be fixed soon.


Have you followed the SIP tutorial on connecting 2 zipatiles together?

I found this worked easily, just unstable and unreliable SIP server, it constantly drops offline. Yet a dedicated SIP PBX box works faultlessly on the same network, so it is clearly a Zipato SIP program issue.


How did you register the pbx box to zipatile server was it simply just to call the long SIP URI nothing else? I assume it works one way not both ie from zipatile to whatever device is connected?


Hi Adrian,

We use Zipato SIP in most projects. (30 apartments, 75 apartments, 18 apartments etc.) We have developed a lot about intercom with the Zipato team.

It works more stable with SIP Server 1.5.0 application.




Hi Team,

Would you be able to share ideas with how users can connect Zipatile to the outside world e.g. a single Zipatile unit to other clients without having to use 3rd party APKs? I am trying to see how I could connect up Zipatile to a PBX / asterisk and have it chat to DoorBird. What's interesting is I can get doorbird to 200 now on the Zipatile SIP, but nothing will call out nor is it registered on Zipatile. Just lacking some useful docs and ideas I can follow


Hi Adrian, no we used the PBX with a different app on the Zipatile. Linphone.

THanks Mehmet, Zipato support told me this just a day ago also with regards to another SIP server install we did that just keeps dropping offline. I have been told that 1.5.0 is lot more stable version of SIP server. I dont know how you managed with 18/30/75 apartments, the residents must be pissed off. We have just used it in-home between several zipatiles and with a single intercom and always had issues, your clients must be royally annoyed, i know mine are. We simply swapped to a PBX box and different app and they work fine.


I only have one zipatile so not experienced it before. If you’re saying PBX works then that opens up asterisk no? As DoorBird to asterisk with video over sip is ‘supposed’ to be supported in latest firmware... needs more testing I think.

Will check the video thanks

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