Backup module: remaining battery time

Benoit D-F (fr) shared this question 11 years ago

The remaining battery time is normally 24 hours according to the manual.

I just tested 2 times by powering the Zipabox 220 V (intensity LED = 25%) and Zipabox shuts off after 19 to 20 h while the module is new ...

Why do you advertise features false ?

Why can not we know the battery level to integrate into the rules ?


L'autonomie de la batterie est normalement de 24h selon le manuel d'utilisation.

Je viens de faire 2 fois un test en coupant l'alimentation 220 V de la Zipabox (intensité de la Led = 25%) et la Zipabox s'éteint au bout de 19 à 20 h alors que les batteries sont neuves...

Pourquoi annoncez-vous des caractéristiques fausses ?

Pourquoi ne peut-on pas connaître le niveau de la batterie pour l'intégrer dans des règles ?

Replies (2)


The battery time depends on how busy the Zipabox is communicating (over Z-Wave and other protocols, if applicable) and executing rules. It also depends on the amount of modules connected to the Zipabox, and whether or not you're using any external USB devices (3G backup). It also depends on the battery temperature and age.

So yes, you're right, we shouldn't put any run times on the web (even if we got them in the lab), because the run time completely depends on the customer use case.

The battery level, status (charging/discharging) and some other cool features of the Backup module like temperature sensor and shock sensor will become available with one of the following firmware updates (they're already in the hardware, just need software support).


Thank you for your answer...

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