Can't send SMS from rule

HB shared this question 11 years ago

Have anyone tried to send SMS from rules, can't get it to work...

I'm trying to send an SMS to a contact from a rule.It dosn't work!To send mail to the contact works, but not SMS (Haven't tried MMS)is it the phone number format that is wrong: +46727xxxxxx+46 for sweden then removed the zero from 072 and the number is 7xxxxxxisn't that correct? +46727xxxxxx(xxxxxx is the rest of the mobile number)

What is wrong?

Replies (10)


Do you have the backup module? How to you want to send SMS? Do you expect that Zipato would send SMS for free ?

I think it will be available later with the backup module or by the way of them cloud solution (probably with a specific account)


Hi Fred, SMS service is commercial service and is not available yet. SMS messages will be sent from cloud as alert messages. Soon we will start selling ALERT MESSAGES which customers can use for the reliable security and energy alerting. Technically, the service is ready, but we still didn't finish deployment of payment gateway.


Thanks for answering...

I have payed for the ZipaBox so it could have been free SMS...

That wouldn't have first time I see free SMS service on Internet!

and yes I know that Zipato are planning for payed services, so the SMS could have been part of the basic free service you have with your ZipaBox...

Or maybe in the basic free ZipaBox service SMS with some limitations...

X number free SMS each year/mont or something like that. (Delayed if free)

for Zipato to give the users some free SMS, could learn the users to use the service and make it easier to sell the bigger payed service.

So the answer is no, I don't think it is so strange if there was free SMS to use.

But the Backup-box sounds intresting I havn't order it yet, havn't find so much info what it can or can't do...

But I probobly will buy it, can you give me some more information what it can do today, and in the future...


and by the way... fibaro Servers did call me for free with there voice message.

can't think that SMS is so much more expensive ;-)

think ZipaBox will be very usful in my remote house!

Thank you Sebastian


Backup module is consist of rechargeble battery for backing up mains power supply, and USB port supported by ZIpabox kernel to allow you to plug in 3G stick and establish automatic backup connection to the cloud. So backup of the power and the Internet (if you use 3G stick). Also you can use M2M stick as there is no voice communication between Zipabox and cloud.


and SMS using the backup modules 3G or M2M stick?


I do not think That The backup module is in any way connected to The future SMS service. It's a standalone service that can be bought separately if required.

Currently I'm using clickatell for this purpose and they charge me close to nothing per SMS. But I will def. move this service to zipato when available.


0,035 U.S. dollars / SMS

But as you, me to like to use an ZipaBox service for my ZipaBox.

As Fred say, If you have 3G-stick in the box, why not use that for SMS.

Then you don't have to have access to Internet over 3G, just send a SMS...

(in my summer house, most of the time, I don't have Internet access, so a pre-paid-3G-stick to send SMS as alarm would be very nice)


I would like to use Zipato for a summer house in the forest. No Internet there, only good 3G network.

When I'm in my living house, can I buy the Backup module (with 3G key) and to connect to the box of my summer house?

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