Climate module not setting temp on Horstmann HRT4

Jérôme Chomé shared this problem 11 years ago

I have a climate module which is set to send temperature directive to danfoss valves and a Horstmann HRT4 thermostat.

It sends the temp to the valves correctly but it is not working on my Horstmann HRT4. Temperature doesn't change.

Replies (2)


Have the same issue (for many weeks already)

What is the solution??



Hi Jérôme and DRuw

I experience some recurrent problems with my HRT4 and I would like to know if this device works fine on your side with your zipabox. My HRT4 works no more than 3 or 4 hours and after it seems to stop the communication with my zipabox (nothing new in event logs even it appears as online in the dashboard and connected on the LCD screen of the HRT4). Do you experience the same kind of issue or not?

The screen-shot shows that I have reinstalled the device this morning at 9:01 and it stops to work at 10:17 without any intervention on my side...

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