Climate widget in trouble ?

Baroudeur shared this problem 11 years ago

Seems som etrouble since today, climate works fine but radiators no more awaken and icon on widget show heating rule on. I rebooted box, i have 5 led more now but radiators cant be up even if i manually decide, they go off next second.

Too bad weather seem to go worst this week end )

Replies (7)


This sounds strange, but we will check it out what is happening as we don't want you to freeze;-) Please contact us on


Thx for your care, i sent a mail )


Maybe a piece of answer.

Yesterday module not well integrated where automaticaly changed.

I have a Fibaro GS211 described as Fibargroup:1024 and now i can reach configuration tab but it is v1.4-1.6 in description and it is in fact an 2.0 version. I had some trouble to put auto off timer at 0.

Also temperature on thermostat HRT4 seems not correct, temperatures on the thermostat are correct, but not well reported in the command control window


I reinstalled modules (Thermostat) because temperature in climate was bugged and now HRT4 dont sent temperature at all, i have nothing in SET_TEMPERATURE and TEMPERATURE_IN_ROOM and climate seems bugged, look at the pretty image )


My HRT4 doesn't report the temperature since yesterday (27/04/13 at 13:00). Please give advise for setting-up the climate widget. It is for the time being useless. The temperature shown in the slider has to be always the same has the SET_TEMPERATURE variable of the HRT4 which is not the case. Moreover it would be nice to have access to a specific log file listing all the events to be able to debug it more precisely because for now it is difficult to say something else than "it doesn't work as it is suppose to work"...


My HRT4 is doing same as Cédric one, was thinking a thermostat problem, but it is rather a box one. Please do something, climate is no more reguled at all


Same problem here, behavior of the box for climate control and HRT4 is very strange.

Could you please urgently have a look ?

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