Clock times wrong

Paul Bird shared this problem 11 years ago

I am experiencing problems with the Zipato controller showing a different time to the actual GMT that my system is set to. The dashboard synchronization initially registers the correct time but immediately jumps 1or2 hours ahead or behind the actual time. I believe that this is causing the controller to operate incorrectly to the rules which we have applied.

How do we correct this?

Replies (5)


This has been a problem for a few weeks.

I see the same issue. All times and events show 2 hours behind GMT.

I think Zipato were going to fix this yesterday in a server update.


I have scheduler set by time and it works like a sharm. I also see the correct time in the event log. Im in GMT+1



Still slightly wrong in the UK.

Events show correct time, but 'Time of last Sync' in the dashboard shows 1 hour behind the actual time it was synced.



I tried that this morning and seems to work.

  • After sync the time is 1 hour behind actual time.
  • After a screen browser refresh the sync time is now correct

Does this mean that we have to perform a browser refresh each time we sync? And does this have to be immediately after the sync?

I would have thought the Dashboard should automatically update with the correct time without having to refresh the browser?


Sync time display is now fixed (no need to refresh page).

Just make sure to select right timezone in box settings.

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