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Connecting Zipabox to existing security system

Wojtek T shared this question 11 years ago
Need Answer

How do I connect the Zipabox to the existing security system (wired)? Is it via serial port? Do I need battery backup unit with some special cable? I have one of the Paradox systems (need to confirm, but almost sure)

Replies (28)


Just to confirm, the alarm is by Paradox plus I have couple of DCS wired keypads to control it


Is this possible or not?


Hello Wojtek, sorry for delay:-(

Sure it is possible. You need backup module as it has a RS232/484 connector on it. Also, on the Paradox side you need their prt3 serial interface card. This one should be connected with the backup module by using 3wires (rx,tx and gnd). After connection, you should go to ADD NEW DEVICE and add "paradox alarm" as the new network. Then you should go to SECURITY WIDGET (I suppose you have security widget active already) and ADD NEW PARTITION, choose PARADOX and choose which paradox partition you are joining. Afterwards, you press ADD NEW ZONE on the paradox partition, choose type of the zone and add it to the partition by activating the particular zone.

After you add zone, it will be shown inside the paradox partition within a secuity widget as well as within a sensors widget on the dashboard. Also, you will have it as endpoint within a rule creator, so you can use it to trigger some of your automation rules.


This is great, now my paradox unit is 10 years old, but hopefully this should still work after all RS232/484 are relatively "old" ;)


SO, I confirmed with Paradox that my system is too old (Espirit 728EX+) too connect to ptr3.I was told that I need at least EVO192 and K641 keypad. I could by it all new, but this is significant as I would also have to buy 2 new keypads and such. I believe that I have two alternatives:

I could go with DCS brand (is it D_ under devices ?) which is slightly less expensive here, but what interface modules do I need in order to be compatible with Zipabox? Alternatively, is there a way to connect wired sensors via some kind of GPIO extender to Zipabox? Well, I guess I have a 3rd option, which would be basically Zipabox with zwave sensors/siren.

Any suggestions?


is integrating a "visonic" system the same ?


Each wired alarm system has it's own serial interface and protocol for the communication with the external systems. Currently Zipabox supports DSC IT-100 and PARADOX PRT3 interfaces, so it can communicate with all the control panels which are compatible with it.

In the near future we will also finish the support for the Honeywell which is currently still not working. As for the Visonic wired system, we don't support it yet.


Please Sebastian, can you explain what are the function given by adding a such interface with the security panel in terms of finction ? arm /disarm system, view the partition and zone trigered ? have the info of an alarm ? Could you please add some screenshots ?



Sebastian will the caddx/networx security panels also be supported? The protocol is based on ascii and there are plugin's for homeseer? Or will you mamby open the system voor programing your own plugins?



frydman yaniv wrote:

is integrating a "visonic" system the same ?
hai boukris



What is the status now to this topic. There is a PARADOX IP150 module to conect via Internet to a Paradox alarm system. Would it work with Zipato? Does it need anything else?



Radu Ivanus wrote:

What is the status now to this topic. There is a PARADOX IP150 module to conect via Internet to a Paradox alarm system. Would it work with Zipato? Does it need anything else?


For connecting Paradox system you need to have the PRT3 card on Paradox panel. As for the Zipabox, you need some expansion module with the RS232 connector.


Is is possible to integrate the Networx NX-8 Control panel from Caddx?

i can give you the home automation protocol of the RS232 module.




I also would like to integrate with a Networx system. Is it possible?




hi, I have the same problem, I want to connect the Zipabox to the paradox security system.

please help me too

Is the Paradox serial interface card 307USB ?

and what is the zipabox backup module part NO or model name?

please give me the home automation protocol of the RS232 module


The PARADOX module you need is the PRT3 not the 307USB.

The only compatible PARADOX systems that I could find are the EVO192, EVO96 and EVO48. I think you can only purchase the EVO192 now.

The PRT3 module attaches to the EVO192 via the combus which is a four wire connection.

You will need the BACKUP module from ZIPATO that gives you the RS232/484 connectivity. I think the part number is actually "BACKUP". The RS232 is presented as four terminals. Two ground, one in and one out. You would need to create a lead that connects the "real" D-9 RS232 plug on the PRT3 to the BACKUP module

Hope that helps



I imagine D9 - pin 2 (receive data) to be connected to OUT from backup module and D9 - pin 3 (transmit data) to be connected to IN on backup module. Both grounds on the backup module would be connected to D9 pin 5.

I would check with support for verification though.




i need help !! I've An Evo 192 + prt3 + ip150 working on Babyware on the other side i have à zipabox + back up module.

I wired like this

prt 3 pin 2 to zipa pin 4

prt 3 pin 3 to zipa pin 1

prt 3 pin 5 to zippa pin 2 and 3

the prt 3 module is set with Serial on domotic on on speed to 57600 and ascci protocol

on the zipabox i create the paradox network on the slot one at the first position (by the way i didn't find the way to ad it in the new app)

and when i try to add a zone nor a partition nothing run.

the zipa is on the last firmware as the Evo 192

So what did i made wrong ?

Thanks for your help and to apologise my poor english !



Any new information about the integration of EVO192 with Zipabox?

fidgi 66, did you manage to do it somehow?

Are we able to see the state of the sensors and use them to trigger an alarm or a scene?


hi Ivan

i did not succeed yet to wire the two system together,

and yes, you can use paradox sensor to trigger something in the Zipabox (i don't think its possible in the other way)

is there somebody here to help us ?




Yep, help is needed please :) Is it just "plug and play", i mean you connect the wires to the serial/backup module and everythings works after you ADD the Paradox alarm, and how it appears (its sensors) in the Zipabox's dashboard? What can and can not do with the sensors from the alarm system... So many questions and no one to answer! Not to mention that i wrote to Zipato like 5 days ago....


I have also wrote to the support about this, but no answers...


I have also wrote to the support about this, but no answers...




I am

thinking to buy a zipabox because I have a Paradox alarm system and I want to connect

alarm system with the Zipabox. I have been looking for information about how to

connect these two systems and I am not so sure about it, because I don’t have

the Zipabox yet, but I thing we have to modify some parameters from de Paradox


I thing

using the winload program we can do it.


you can find the instructions of the apr-prt3 where you can see in the Serial Port Usage, that we have to change to the value ON

the option 4 in the section 016.

Below that paragraph, in the manual we can see

that we need to read the ASCII Protocol Programming Instructions and/or C-Bus

Programming Instructions (you can find attachement these two pdf). In the ASCII

Protocol Programming Instructions pdf you can find more information about how

to set up the paradox system

I can´t do any test yet, but I hope this

information can help you

Juan Antonio


Hi everybody,

Reading the anwser from Sebastian Popovic I understand that we have to modify the wire RS-232 to connect that wire to the backup module. From the connector of the prt3 of paradox we need connect the pin2 to the RX, pin3 to the TX and pin5 to the GND in the backup module.

You can these information in the picture .


Any test done guys? how to setup a serial module or a backup module with paradox's prt3 module?



I am squeezing myself trying to connect my Zipatile to a PRT3 with Paradox Evo 192, but it doesnt work. I achieved to detect the Paradox connected to the USB port of my Zipatile (see atttachment) but inclusion is not working.

Config of my PRT3 is as follows:


I have followed these steps, given by the support few weeks ago:


1. Create a network Paradox

2. Wait half a minute - if the creation is not finished, turn off it, sync, refresh, and after Paradox network and Paradox alarm on UI shoudl be visible

3. Add new device wizard, select Paradox, click on SN Tile (nowhere else, not on the add new network, because Paradox network already is there).Timer should get started... On Paradox device should already be created at least one zone and one partition, otherwise discovery cannot work.


But step 3, Zipato inclusion never finds the Paradox device.

I also cannot find the Add partition step mentioned by Sebastian in his post.

After several support answers and no progress, I have discovered today ZIPATO HAS NO PARADOX PRT3 IN THEIR LABS TO TEST.

So I wonder:

- How is this feature tested/developed?

- Has anybody made it work under box or tile? Because I see not success stories here



I have found the exist same issues and also have no idea where "Add Partition" is. Have you found any resoulution?


Hello Steven,

There is a recognized bug with the USB to Paradox communication (PRT3 to Zipatile in my case) and Support is working on it. I have sticker open because of this from May and already did some test with Support, but no definitive solution yet. I will post as soon as there is something new.

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