Create a rule in order to monitor a swimming pool

Olivier Guihard shared this question 11 years ago


I'd like to monitor my swimming- pool using ZIPABOX.

As you know, water quality is key and combination of pump, filter, water treatment system helps to keep quality as high as possible. But this system is temperature sensitive: duration of pumping as to be adjusted related to water temperature. More or less, pumping duration ( per day) has to be equal to half the temperature: 28 deg needs 14 hours of pumping ( of treatment). This the basic scheme which has to be adjusted: if temperature is below 10 deg, no need for treatment , if temperature is below 3 deg, pumping during 1 hour will avoid freezing with dramatic consequence, if the pool is crowded it's better to force permanent pumping. An other need is that pumping has to occur only during the day ( UV helps to clear the water) except in case of freeze alert.

Here is the "problem" . I intend to use a fibaro 3kW switch to control the pump and a waterproof meter to get the temperature ( either Oregon if available or fibaro universal sensor + sonde 1-wire).

Without any documentation, as a newbie, it is hard to me to start to create a basic rule to do that. I would welcome any advice, example..

Thanks in advance


Replies (3)


Well- this is more complex situation. Mainly because of pumping influence on water temperature in the pool.

As you pump the water in the pool, temperature of water decreases. Is this correct!?

Thermometer reports temperature variations as they happens, there for it is difficult to set desired time for pump to work.Let say- T(t=0) is 30 deg. We start the pump and set it to run for 15h, as desired.

As soon as the thermometer reports different value, let say 1 minute or so from first reported value, i.e T(t=1)= 29.5 deg; time to run the pump changes for it is desired that pump runs for Pump Time=Temp/2 [hours].Conclusion is that we can't set thermometer as trigger, because every time thermometer reports a new value required time for pump resets it self and starts from zero. In that way- as long as the thermometer reports newly values- pump would run all the time.There fore you need to set temperature ranges in which you can determine for how long you want the pump to be on and running. (Recommend mean value, i.e from 25 to 30 degrees you can set the Pump time to 13.7 hours .

In that way we can avoid continuously transmitted temperature values, and still have approximately required time for pump run.

Also, you can use same logic to turn the pump off when temperature reaches certain value or falls in to desired range.

This is all in case you want to use temperature as main variable to control your system.

Start code, an a example for some functionality you have desired, you can find in attached picture.


hello Mirza,

Thanks for your answer. You're right, it's better to organize it through different steps of temperature. For the reason you mention and also because the rule ( time= half temperature) is approximative (pools sellers do not take risks: I am thinking about reduced pumping duration, based on my experience ).

I will start from your example and let you know. I would love if the 433Mhz could deal with Oregon sensors as there is a dedicated waterproof sensor!





3 months later, after different tests, I didn't succeed at all and I am getting bored. I am not even able to start my pump at a specific time, and stop it x hours later. Surely I am not skilled enough? But rules creator is not intuitive and without any user booklet, and additional browser's problem, it is a nightmare..

After these kind reproachs, could you write for me a rule ( I just need the "when" "if" scenario, not the screenshot but if you can..) addressing the point above: start the pump at --:--, stop it at --:--, with an additional condition "if" temperature is above x degrees.



( I tried, beyond others, Mirza's example. It started the pump which never stopped.. and I don't understand the purpose of adding a new variable "pump running")

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