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Dahua CAmera +zipabox

Zipato guru shared this question 9 years ago
Need Answer

Hello ;

Are the Dahua IP camera supported by zipabox and how to configure them?

Thank you

Replies (6)


Here is a working setup:

NVR: Dahua NVR4104, Cams: IPC-HDW1320S. This NVR has four POE ports cameras are connected to, and the NVR creates a private network for them. Thus Zipabox cannot reach them directly.

However, the NVR's WAN port is in the same network with the Zipabox and the NVR provides a URL for each of the cameras;

  1. HiQ stream: rtsp://user:password@ip:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=[channel_no]&subtype=0
  2. Sub

    Stream: rtsp://user:password@ip:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=[channel_no]&subtype=1

  3. Snapshot: http://ip/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi?chn=[channel_no]&u=user&p=password


  1. username: admin
  2. password is NVR password: default is admin
  3. ip is NVR ip address: generally sth. like 192.168.x.x

The only issue I am still working on is the snapshot URL. For some reason, Zipabox does not pass the username and password in the URL to the NVR, and when snapshot is requested, you will get a username/password prompt. Respond the prompt and you will see the snapshot.

Camera scan will not find the NVR, thus you need to save the NVR ip as the camera address manually; as many times as the number of your cameras. Then, just change the channel_no in each URL accordingly.

If you have just the cameras and no NVR, then the URL's will be the same, with relavant IP addresses and channel_no=0 (i guess).

Happy hacking



If this is an IP camera rather than an NVR, I believe you should use 1 as the channel, not 0.


I cannot think of another suggestion right now. Testing the RTSP stream URL with VLC application could be of help - if you have not done that already. At least you would know whether your URL is OK or not. user and password in the RTSP url is mandatory AFAIK - unless you have ONVIF active on the NVR, however you will need to specify &proto=onvif in the URL


I have just noticed that you included brackets [] in your URL. That should be the problem. I now see that my initial post might be misleading regarding placeholder usage :).

Can you try





Agree with Patrick you should test the URLs with VLC, hence you will ensure they are compatible with your camera model.

Did you check the following URL patterns in VLC?

rtsp://user:password@ip:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0 (0 for main stream-high quality, 1 for substream-lower quality). Some IPC types may prefer channel= parameter rather than chn= parameter format.

rtsp://ip:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif (username and password not required should you disable Onvif authentication from the camera settings - if such a setting is available)

I also attach a snapshot from a working configuration of Dahua IPC-A35. This is a statically added camera, hence I had to fill in the Zipato fields afterwards. Notice that to fetch the video streams remotely through Zipato, you must strip the username:password from the URL's in Zipato UI, adding them to the Username/Password field. Zipato will add username:password to the local and proxy URLs it generates dynamically behind the scenes.

Hope this helps


ciao, anch'io ho delle Dahua ma purtroppo dopo svariati tentativi non riesco ancora a configurarle nel sistema Zipato!

Se devo visionarle dal pc devo farlo tramite il sofware di Google NACL...

Come le devo configurare in Zipato?


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