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direct connections ( cabeled ) on Zipatile not completely working and confusion on connection sheme

Laurent Birgen shared this problem 8 years ago


I've got a few questions about the dry out and the external temperature sensor on the Zipatile.

I received the tile last week and I tried to connect the dry out 1 and 2 to my centralized Blind Controller to open the window binds in case of emergency ( fire -> open ; intruder -> lock all blinds ).

This is not working;

when dry out 2 is activated I hear a click inside the tile and my controller reacts on the closed contact while opening the blinds.

when dry out 1 is activated I hear nothing and I don't see any reaction .

If I interchange both cables the lockdown function is working but not the open function; so it seems to be a problem with dry out 1.

Is there any hint to activate the dry out 1 or did I get a 'Monday model' with a brocken relay ?

Another question concers the external temp. sensor.

I've got a DS18B20 and this one has 3 connectors ( + , - , signal ). The input on the tile has just 2 connectors ( + , - ). Is the signal not needed? or must I connect it differently ? the documentation is a bit poor in these details ...

By the way : it would be nice if somewhere in the documentation a description will explain what size of cables can fit in the connectors and how to get them in or out; we found that pushing the cable gets them in but I still didn't find out if I need to push or pull the small knob on the top side of the contacts to get the cable out again. Even my electrician friends did not found it. It seems that here in Luxemburg these connectors are not well know.



Replies (6)


Regarding the DS18B20 I think + is supply power (3 to 5 VDC), - is common (0 VDC) and the signal is the analog output of the sensor that have to be connected as your input in the Zipatile. I would probably recommend you to get a Zipato Quad sensor or a Window multisensor in order to check temperature (plus other readings like motion and luminance which are useful to automate things) and avoid the hasle of wiring this sensor, you would need a power supply (battery) or to somehow use a protoboard or design your own circuit board in order to make it work. Where as with the other sensors you put some batteries, add to the network and there you go.

Regarding your relays, I hear both click when I enable them so my guess would be that indeed you got a unit with a bad relay or it got smoked while wiring (it's not easy to burn a relay so just guessing).


The external temp sensor was foreseen to be mounted in a space where I don't get a Zwave coverage. (shielded room) so the wired connection sounded good. I thought that when an external senor is possible to connect and even the type of the sensor is mentioned in the technical description the the device should be ready to connect... cause connecting signal and ground to the tile and adding an alternate power source to the sensor is possible but looks like an incomplete product design. especially cause the tile is power with 5v and the sensor to.

Regarding the relays, seem one is broken since the beginning, I tried first to activate without a connected device cause I thought it might be Triac outputs and wondered already on the beginning why out 1 was silent and out 2 sounded like a relay. On second try I connected a line tester witch showed me that out 1 don't reacts and out 2 closes correctely, at last I tried with ma real contact on my bling management witch the described result.

Does anybody know if I should address to my seller or directly to Zipato for the replacement( It's a brand new device witch should not been broke on delivery ) ?

My Seller replied on the question that I have to address to the manufacture but I did not get a reply on my mail to Zipato Support



Did you both relays removed from the virtual thermostat?

When delivered, the two relays, the outputs of the thermostat.


I deactivated the virtual Thermostat and tried to activate the relay via the device Manager.

Seems that the relay is broken...


Hi Laurent,

Sorry for the delayed response.

Concerning the dry out 1 - please contact our support.

Concerning the DS18B20 - both VCC and GND from the sensor connect to '-' on Zipatile, DATA from sensor connects to '+' on Zipatile. This is not explained in the user manual - thanks for pointing that out, I will update it.

And noted about the connectors, I will also add a note about them in the instructions. They're made for AWG24-AWG18 (0.2-0.8 mm^2) solid wire, and you need to gently push the tab to remove the wire.


Similar to Laurent, when I try to activate dry out 2 through the device manager I hear no click. Dry out 1 works fine. I contacted Vedran in support and am awaiting a response.

I would like to share my goal/plan and get your advice of whether or not this is doable. (Also, I'm not very experienced with this so bear with me)

I have dry out 1 set to the geothermal pump/compressor to turn on. The ext temp sensor is a DS18B20 that is monitoring the water tank that the heat pump heats or cools. Dry out 2 (if I can get it work) will be set to the reversing valve that will turn the heat pump into cooling mode.

I would then create an aquastat with a virtual thermostat (pro, if needed).

In heating mode: dry out 1 is on to heat the water to 120°F +/- 10°F

In cooling mode: dry out 1 & dry out 2 is on to cool water to 45°F +/- 10°F

Finally, I would combine this aquastat with the thermostats that turn on the pumps for radiant lines and/or forced air unit (I have z-wave switches). Ideally, I would like to set one thermostat on auto to ~70°F on auto and the zipatile would switch the geothermal unit to heating or cooling as well as choose whether to send hot water through the radiant lines or cold water through the forced air.




Update: I am going to use a virtual switch that will call on the GEO to heat or cool. Looking for any input as to a better idea.


Same for me, I thought I had to use the 12-24v but in the end relay 2 was working for the thermostat ?!

Relay 1 and 2 are swapped.



Thank you for pointing that out (swapped relay order). We fixed that now. New tiles will get it automatically, existing users please contact support.

@opkoper - relays are dry outputs - there's no voltage at either end of them, they are just plain switches. You can use them to break any electrical circuit as long as you obey maximum voltage and current values.

Please contact licensed technician if you need to make alterations to live electric or heating installation in order to avoid damage and/or injury.





Hi all,

do someone succeed solving the issue related to relays not switching? I have the same issue with Relay 2: the command seems to be sent to relay and also in "Events" it is trecked... But I cannot hear the typical relay switch sound and also the multimeter does not detect any status change on terminal block... Is there something else I should know? Or my relay is broken?



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