FGBS-001 no temperature sensors?

Roy van Baekel shared this problem 11 years ago


I've successfully includes a Fibaro FGBS-001 sensor, no problems there. 2 binary sensors show up and those are working.

The FGBS-001 has the possibility to connect 1-wire devices, notably the DS18B20 temperature sensors (max 4). I've got 2 sensors attached (as far as I can conclude, correctly) but these don't show up...

Am I doing something wrong? Aren't the DS18B20 sensors supported? Any idea's, hints, et cetera to solve this?

Replies (5)


Hi Roy,

You can add up to four temperature sensors on that Fibaro but they have to be added before join procedure to be visible for Zipato system.


Benoit D-F (fr) wrote:

Hi Roy,

You can add up to four temperature sensors on that Fibaro but they have to be added before join procedure to be visible for Zipato system.

What do you exactly mean with 'have to be added'? There were connected before inclusion of the Fibaro - if thats what you mean?

Or am I missing something obvious here and have these sensors to be added (via the webportal) before inclusion?


The DS18B20 have to be connected (correctly) before doing the jonction procédure on the dashboard.


Benoit D-F (fr) wrote:

The DS18B20 have to be connected (correctly) before doing the jonction procédure on the dashboard.
Thanks, clearly I've done something wrong in that case. Ill check tomorrow, hopefully I can solve it. Will let you know, :)


Solved, procedure is as follows - in case you've already included the FGBS-001 without the sensor.

1) Exclude the FGBS-001

2) Attach the DS18B20 correctly

3) Reset the FGBS-001

Method II

Resetting by cutting off the power supply and re-connecting the

power supply while holding down the B button – after 10 seconds,

after another cut-off and re-connection of power supply the settings

of the device will be reset.

4) Include the FGBS-001 - the sensor should show up now

1 issue left, my sensor reports 127,93 degrees Celsius - and I can assure you: it isn't that hot here ;)

I'll fiddle around, disconnecting it, exclude, include, et cetera.

Benoit: thanks for the pointer! :)

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