Geolocation ???

Interested shared this question 10 years ago
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I did find manuals for Geolocation.

Link >

Problem is that application in this manuals -Google Latitude is discontinued.

Any new solution ???

Replies (6)


Life360 or IOS Location for iPhones

Life360 and i guess i bunch of other for Android


I done this with Tasker instead and and a virutal device in zipato. Only have tasker in android to update the virutal device when iam home and set it to off when i leave

(i currently use the wlan in house to activate it, but you can use geo or anything either to trigger in tasker)

Then have the virutal device in Zipato to trigger the changes i want to do.

(since i dont live alone i had to do a more complicated solution with one device for my wife and one for me, if both is away then the alarm and shuting down house is activated, if any of the virutal device is on then activate a scenario and turn off alarm. Depending on day of the week and time of the day different things happens. I also have more complex part in tasker to make sure the arming is not done right away if i just get out of range of the wlan)

Since there is no plugin to tasker from the zipato app i had to use the http function in the virutal device.

Only problem i have had with it is when the zipatobox restarts since the virutal device current value get screwed up then (that i hope zipato will fix)

If anyone would like some more details on how i did this let me know and i can write a guide or mail you.


In both cases is used Android ...

I'm looking for a solution for IOS devices.

Very rarely, but sometimes I want to have android :)


Look for IFTTT (


Would be nice to get solution without "propeller head" :)

Like this Familonet.

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