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How to Create a loop in rule?

Amin shared this question 10 years ago
Need Answer

Hello all

how can i create a rule with unlimited loop in it for example to create a blinking lamp

Replies (4)


I do it this way:

Make 2 virtual switches.

Then make this rule:

When virtual switch x = on and virtual switch y = on

Virtual switch y = off

Lamp x = on

Wait 1 sec

Lamp x off

Wait 1 sec


Virtual switch y = on

If you want to stop the the rule then turn off switch x

Note! You may overload your z-wave network!


Thanks, please add a picture from below rules written in rule creator.

imagine when you run the party Scenes,you want the RGBW become red, green, yellow, blue and this repeat until you turn the virtual Switch X off.

on the other hand please guide me how to repeat a rule for example for 20 times.


Only way i know how to repeat 20 times is to set a variable and change/up it (20 times).


If you still need to have party scene this one I made is not so bad. Change repeat time how much you need but it is not so important when you can stop it with another switch. If you don't have remote use virtual switches.

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